side and withdrew a dagger from within.
She didn’t even have time to breathe before a Dungeon Worm came bursting out of the wall.
The beast didn’t have a head—just a mouth lined with serrated teeth at the end of the wormlike body. It rocketed toward them with its limbless frame writhing in midair. Asfi lined up the cutting edge of her weapon with the oncoming hidden terror of the Dungeon walls and made her move. Meeting the beast head-on, her dagger cut the Dungeon Worm from mouth to tail in one swift motion.
It split clean in half in an explosion of blood. Chigusa’s body froze as the pieces of the worm flew past her left and right shoulders.
“Let me handle this.”
Asfi turned back toward the hellhounds, both hands now beneath her white cloak.
She had a leather belt wrapped around her thin waist. In additionto her dagger’s sheath, several more holsters dangled from the belt. She pulled something from one of them.
It was two small vials filled with a moss-green liquid. Asfi threw them toward the hellhounds.
Both vials hit their marks and exploded on contact, covering the monsters’ faces with the green slime. It was sticky and strong, binding the hellhounds’ mouths closed before they could unleash their fiery attack.
The monsters immediately started clawing at their mouths, trying to get the green liquid off their faces. Asfi used the opening to withdraw two spiral-shaped darts from a different holster and let them fly.
Both darts pierced the heads of their intended targets. The monsters died instantly.
“I should be more than enough to cover our back.”
Mikoto and the others once again stood in disbelief as the items’ wielder easily dispatched the monsters around her.
Asfi Al Andromeda.
She was a top-class adventurer belonging to
Hermes Familia
. The title she had received from the gods was “Jack-of-All-Trades, Perseus.”
Known as one of the best item makers of this generation, she was one of only five people in Orario who possessed the Advanced Ability “Enigma.”
“…Hermes, aren’t your children an average of Level Two?”
“Ha-ha-ha, now that you mention it, I forgot to report her leveling up to the Guild!”
Hermes brushed off Hestia’s questioning eyes, smiling and answering like it was no big deal. It was obvious to everyone that the girl who just took down three middle-level monsters that easily was much stronger than Level 2. Hermes knew there was no point in denying it.
While they didn’t dislike the spotlight, members of
Hermes Familia
preferred to work behind the scenes, unnoticed.
It was very similar to how Hermes himself conducted business.
Hestia knew this from their days living in Tenkai, but she kept it to herself.
“…It’s really dark down here.”
All monsters taken care of, Hestia’s words bounced off the dank walls of the thirteenth floor.
The upper levels hadn’t been much of a problem for her, but the distant lights well overhead didn’t provide anywhere near enough light for her to see clearly.
Do the children really come down here all the time?
she thought.
Since their basic five senses also became stronger with their Status, this small amount of light was all the adventurers needed. But to Hestia, stripped of her divine power, these Dungeon tunnels were pitch black because her eyes were less sensitive than even the weakest adventurer’s. It kept her on edge. It took all the courage she had to put one foot in front of the other.
The darkness was beginning to overwhelm her. Deities were not immune from its effects. Her shallow breaths were getting more and more staggered as she moved the lamp in her right hand left and right as if frantically searching for a way out.
First the light hit the ash-colored stone walls. Then it illuminated landforms—decent-size rocks that could be broken to make tomahawks—before it flashed on a piece of broken sword.
She focused the light in that direction only to find
Gordon Kerr
Yolanda Olson
Frederick Forsyth
R.M. Prioleau
Alfredo Colitto
Georges Simenon
Laura Lockington
Bárbara McCauley
Tamara Ternie
Jenika Snow