It Had To Be You

It Had To Be You by June Francis Page A

Book: It Had To Be You by June Francis Read Free Book Online
Authors: June Francis
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bowed legs were bare and hairy. He was only the same size as her but of stocky build and there was an expression in his muddy grey-brown eyes that made her feel uneasy.
    ‘That isn’t an answer. Meeting a boy, are you?’
    ‘No!’ she said indignantly. ‘But even if I was, it’s no business of yours. You’re not my real uncle. Uncle Owen was that!’
    ‘Don’t you give me bloody cheek. You’re just like your mother, the way you speak to me.’ He ran his hands down her back and pulled her against him.
    ‘Y-you know nothing about my mother,’ she stammered, her knees beginning to tremble even as she struggled.
    ‘That’s right, fight me,’ he said against her ear. ‘Lizzie thought herself above me and went off with that bloody artist. A lot of good it did her. Both of them are dead now.’
    ‘Don’t talk about my parents like that,’ cried Betty. ‘Let me go!’
    ‘Not bloody likely. We don’t often have the house to ourselves like this, do we, girl?’ His voice had sunk to a hiss, reminding her of a snake.
    She couldn’t speak, terrified of what he might do to her. Then there came the sound of voices outside on the step and he released her abruptly, causing her to fall against the wall. ‘One word, girl,’ he whispered, slapping both her cheeks lightly, ‘and you’ll regret it. I’m the man of the house and my word goes.’
    He made for the stairs and scurried up them in no time.
    Instead of waiting for the front door to open and facing her aunt and cousin, Betty turned and ran through the house and out into the garden. Her heart was hammering against her ribs as she made her way along the side of the house. She peered around the corner to see if Elsie and Maggie had gone inside. There was no sign of them, so she wasted no time running towards the bus stop on the main road. She prayed that if she was late at the meeting place, her sister would wait for her.
    Emma had read the poster advertising the film Reluctant Heroes , showing at the Forum , several times. She had arrived too early, hoping that Betty might be early, too, as Emma had arranged to meet Dougie early evening.
    ‘Emma?’ A hand touched her arm, startling her.
    She whirled round and saw a freckle-faced girl. She was wearing a navy blue gabardine mackintosh that was unbuttoned to reveal a blue and white gingham frock. She looked older than Emma expected, despite the ginger hair tied in bunches and the navy blue beret.
    A warm feeling welled up inside Emma. ‘Aye, I’m Emma Booth. I take it you’re Betty?’
    Betty smiled. ‘That’s me. I know I’m late and I was worried you mightn’t wait.’
    ‘After coming all this way, I’d have waited quite a while, luv,’ said Emma. ‘Ever since I found out about you I’ve been wanting to meet you.’
    ‘As soon as I read your letter I felt the same. I’ve always wanted a sister. We don’t look like each other, though, do we?’ said Betty. ‘I take after my mother’s side of the family.’
    ‘I think I must get my looks from our father,’ said Emma. ‘My mother was blonde and more fragile-looking than I am.’
    ‘Do you have a photo of our father?’ asked Betty eagerly.
    Emma shook her head. ‘I hoped you might have one.’
    Betty frowned in thought. ‘I’m sure there’s one of him with Mum somewhere. I remember seeing it when I was younger. Maybe Aunt Elsie has it in the box where she keeps the insurance policies, old birthday cards and things.’
    ‘I’d be really pleased if you could find it. I do have a birthday card Dad made for me when I was three,’ said Emma. ‘I thought you might like to see it, so I brought it with me. Maybe we can go somewhere, so we can sit and talk?’
    ‘What about Lyons café across the road?’ suggested Betty. ‘My cousin Maggie goes there with my Auntie Elsie when they come into town. I do have a couple of bob, so I can pay my way.’
    Emma smiled. ‘That’s all right. I think I can afford to treat my little

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