until you’re free?”
He groaned his frustration. “No! Don’t you see? Now, I can petition the courts for a divorce without the approval of her parents. Between the divorce petition and being in a serious relationship with a child on the way, it’ll be next to impossible to deny me this.”
She looked at him thoughtfully, the emotion shining in his eyes. He had thought it all through, which meant he was serious about a relationship with her. Didn’t it? “Are you sure you want this, Alessandro? I mean, me and a baby, that’s a lot of commitment.”
“Sweetheart, the problem was never about commitment. It was about committing to the wrong woman. You, Eve, are definitely the right woman.”
“You mean that, Alessandro?”
“Goodness, woman, are you blind? You think I put up with your obnoxious behavior because you’re fun to be around? Hell no! I did it because I love you and I knew you loved me, too. I just need to stick around long enough for you to realize it.”
His wink knocked her off kilter and her breath stumbled out of her body. God she wanted this man more than had ever wanted anything in her life – more than the scholarships that got her through college, more than the loan that helped her launch her first salon. At this moment, she wanted him more than she wanted the next breath. “Alessandro, I-I,” she stopped to consider he words and a telltale buzz began in his pocket.
He looked at her apologetically. “I’m sorry, I should get this.”
She watched him stand and listen to the voice on the other end of the line. His brows twisted in confusion and anger. “Deal with it, then. You wanted it this way, so you fucking deal with it!” He was breathing fire when he turned to face her.
He shook his head, debating on whether or not to tell her about the call. If he didn’t tell her it would cause further problems, but if he told her before she admitted her feelings, well, he didn’t want to think about that. “That was Sabrina’s parents.”
Shit .
“I love you, too, Alessandro, but I don’t know if I can allow myself to love you.” He listened as she told him that she felt more for him than she had for any man in her life. He felt ten feet tall when she told him he felt like home to her. It was the best compliment she could have given, yet all he could focus on was that she couldn’t allow herself to love him.
“Why can’t you,” he’d asked with desperation in his voice. He needed to know what was holding her back. He suspected it was about more than his inconvenient wife.
“Because I’ll never be your first priority. The baby will never be your first priority. Whenever there’s a problem, you’ll be on the first plane to Seattle to sort it all out. For me, that would be half a life, and I can’t live like that. I’m sorry. As much as I love you and want a future with you, I just can’t.”
Then, she leaned in and kissed him until all he could see, hear, and taste was her. She was the only thing that existed for him in this world. Her lips were the only thing tethering him to the earth. The kiss was sexy and bittersweet, painful and full of longing. Longing for a future they would never have all because Sabrina’s parents were greedy fucks who got off on screwing with his life. He kissed her and kissed her until they were both breathless and panting. He wanted her.
He had to have her.
Alessandro cupped her head in his hands and devoured her mouth until she was scratching at him and begging for more than his lips. And, he gave her everything she asked for. His hands skated up and down her body, noting all the wonderful changes that had taken place as their baby grew inside her. Her breasts were larger, much larger, and so tender he could probably make her come just by sucking them. When his tongue curled around a sensitive peak, she gasped loudly and held his head to her, arching as much as she could into his mouth.
“Alessandro,” she
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