Air Force base got overrun early. We aren’t allowed to carry arms on base and by the time anyone knew what was going on there were too many zombies to deal with. I don’t know how many survived. Our group was bigger when we got out but we had some disagreements in leadership.”
“I don’t always want the job but these people trust me to lead them. How’s that going to sit with you?”
“You’ve done well to keep these people alive, Mr. Knight. I’m sure you rely on certain people because you know their stragnths and weaknesses.”
I nodded. Thor came over to sniff the new people. He didn’t seem concerned but Captain Rendina didn’t pet him.
“Then you’ll come to know our strengths and weaknesses and know when to accept our counsel.”
“How are you fixed for supplies, Captain?”
“Could be worse. We have about a months worth. Everybody has a clothes and a sleeping bag. Not much firewood though.”
I looked over at Tom then Mike and Tony. I didn’t see any alarm on their faces. But I didn’t think I could tell what they were thinking.
“All right Captain, is there anything else we can tell you?” He answered no without asking the other men.
“Then I will ask you to retire to your boat and give us time to talk.”
“Of course.”
We all stood, even me with some help and shook hands with the newcomers. Then we let them out and waited for Tabby to say they were on their boat. It felt wrong somehow to talk about them while they were still on the island fort.
“Tony, gut feeling. Don’t think about it.”
“Seems genuine enough. He’s either a good guy or a damned good liar. He is in total control, though. They are not having this conversation over there right now.”
“We need the help and the expertise in logistics. Everything will go better with more people.”
“I guess I’m the only one who got a bad vibe huh?” He looked around then looked down and kicked the dirt.
“Spit it out.”
“It’s not something in particular. I just don’t like him. His group and our group are not going to blend. They’ll be them and we’ll be us. And if we do let them in, he will take over and things will be very different.”
“We need the help,” countered Tom.
“Yeah, we do. I just wish we had been approached by a smaller group. They get integrated and we get stronger. Another group our size? Or, stronger, cause they are, you realize? I don’t know…”
“Okay, let’s break and think about it for a bit. We’ll get back together right before lunch. That’ll give us time to think.”
I waited while everyone got up and went their separate ways.
Tom was angry, obviously. But I wondered how much of that was me. Mike was upset, too. I couldn’t read Tony and wanted to hear his thoughts some more.
I also wanted to move to my bed. I’d been sitting in one spot for too long and was really needing to get my foot elevated. The cane helped but it was a struggle.
“Let me help.” It was Tracie. She grabbed my arm and helped me over to my camp. I felt bad that she was the one helping in her condition so I worked a little more than I should have. I was in some pain by the time I got situated with my foot in the air.
“So, what do you really think of the new people?” she asked.
“Before I answer, tell me what you think.”
“I think that we need the help. We could have multiple scavenging groups out. And we could get the work at the fort done quickly,” she said.
“So, there’s no down side to you?”
“I didn’t say that. I don’t want to live under a military occupation and if he ever
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