
KnockingonDemon'sDoor by Unknown Page B

Book: KnockingonDemon'sDoor by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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white picket fence and two point four kids.
    Nope, a wife and family weren’t in the cards for him. Physical relationships he could do. But getting emotionally close to a woman and risking hurting her was a chance he wasn’t about to take. If he grew soft, allowed his heart to rule his head, he might as well lay out a red welcoming carpet for his demon side at the same time. Like his mother had always cautioned, any weakness in his human half increased the power of his demon part, allowing it to grow stronger and overtake the man. Blake, wouldn’t—couldn’t—let that happen. Yeah, he was a monster, but despite what most thought of him, he wasn’t a soulless monster who cared little about humanity. Which was what had led him into demon hunting in the first place. He’d made it his personal mission to rid the earth of every vile beast who though the night streets were their personal playground, because pure demons really were heartless bastards who’d use any means to get what they wanted, including rape, torture and trickery. And the truth was, like any other human he’d been born with deep-seated feelings, but for humanity’s sake, he just kept them in check at all times.
    Ignoring Mac’s question, Blake buried those dark thoughts in the recesses of his mind, plastered on a smile, turned back around and slid the glass across the mahogany bar.
    “One whiskey, neat.” So what if the glass contained only soda pop and Mac was too drunk to notice? Blake’s deceptions were between him and his own god. Hell, even monsters were entitled to gods.
    A quick glance at the clock told him he had less than a half hour to go before his evening meeting with Trevor. He fisted his hands and worked hard to calm himself. Hopefully what Trevor had to show him would answer his questions, and with any luck, those answers would lead him to his sister. Right now she needed him as much as he needed her. Of that he was certain.
    A movement at the door caught his attention. He angled his head and watched a group of ski instructors pour in from the lobby. Laughing and jostling one another, they signaled the waitress to bring them drinks and then sat at the corner booth.
    Blake watched them for a moment, taking extra interest in the new instructor, noting with all his pleasure-seeking demon senses how there was something about her that separated her from the others. Snug jeans showed off the lush curve of her ass as she shimmied into the deepest corner and shed her ski jacket. Bare pink lips turned up to reveal perfect white teeth. It was all he could do not to run his tongue over his own as he thought about tasting her. Momentarily giving in to his wayward thoughts he let his glance race over her. The tight T-shirt she wore showed off firm breasts and hard nipples that he’d like to explore with his hands, his mouth, his tongue and had him conjuring up erotic images of their salacious bodies banging together. He put her somewhere in her mid twenties even though her fresh, girl-next-door looks made her appear years younger.
    As his cock throbbed, common sense overrode his demon ones. He watched her body language. She sat with her back to the wall, cataloging her surroundings, taking careful stock of all its patrons. As she scanned the room her gorgeous green eyes latched on his. When her pupils dilated—an involuntary reaction undetectable by any human from this distance—and she quickly pulled her gaze from his, he stopped sucking air.
    Surely to God she couldn’t…
    He clenched his jaw and forced himself to inflate his lungs—slow, calming, relaxing breaths to help center himself.
    Damn it, this was not what he needed. Not now. Not with him so close to answers. He took a moment to study her, committing her features, her body language and her every nuance to memory in case he had to draw on them later. Young, attractive, flirty, she tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder and laughed too loud, playing the part of a brainless ski

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