protect their daughter, Fibber, from a guilty verdict, a death verdict, America.
Let’s look tonight at the family that produced the infamous Denise Brown , shall we?
We have Mrs. Margaret Brown, Denise’s mother and Baby Deeley’s grandmother. Margaret, a woman who comes off both forcefully and fiercely in her defense of her daughter and is always flanked by her loyal husband, Keith.
Keith is a man viewed by many of us as the most tragic member of the Brown family, and indeed rumors abound of long bouts with depression and even of a suicide attempt recently. Then there is Denise, aka Fibber McMom, a young woman who danced the night away, sporting tight clothes at booty contests and flashing a radiant smile and a tattoo which read ‘The Beautiful Life’, while her baby daughter had been missing for thirty-one days, a fact seemingly known only to Fibber herself.
Indeed , America, we have learned many things during the tumultuous years of the Brown case, but for every answer we receive, another question seems to arise, and that is why tonight I am going to share with you some information which has been given exclusively to ‘Eye on America’, information that I hope will shed some light on the Brown family, and possibly in some ways explain how and why this one family, this particular family, has captured our nation’s attention, and more importantly, how this family produced the troubled young woman who now sits on trial for her life, a life which may come to an end in Florida’s death chamber.
What lies behind the enigmatic face of Denise Brown and the alternately sympathetic and frightening faces of Grandma Margaret, Grandpa Keith and Brother Seeley?
America, my guest who has chosen to remain anonymous, is a member of this family but one who has remained silent until now. My investigators have proved that this individual is indeed telling us the truth, and now to the story of the Browns …
When Keith and Margaret Brown met , Keith was a young married sheriff’s deputy from the most prominent family in the small town of Burgess, Ohio, one with some unusual history of his own. When Keith was a senior in high school, he was asked to leave his hometown school, America, because he had been stalking a young classmate, a young girl by the name of Jackie Louise Davis whom he stalked and terrorized before finally breaking into her home and stealing her underwear.
Keith’s wealthy father helped to cover up his crime and ensure he was not held accountable. America, I for one believe the lesson a young Keith Brown learned from this was later used by him with less success when it was his own daughter’s turn to need help covering up her own criminal behavior.
A young Margaret Brown knew none of this when she set her little white nur se’s cap for the handsome Keith. Margaret Darnley came from a family which had been forced to scrabble for a living. She grew up in the Projects and was the first member of her family to be given an opportunity for further education. So, when Deputy Keith broke his leg and became a patient in the hospital where a young Margaret worked as a nurse, she saw an opportunity for a better life and took it, telling her family that very night, “I just met the cutest guy, the cutest, and he’s one of those Browns, the ones that have the car dealership in Burgess, and I’m going to marry him.”
At this point , America, I can only speculate how Margaret brought Keith around to her way of thinking, but what I do know is that within three months Keith had filed for divorce, left his job at the sheriff’s office, and started work for his father at Brown Used Auto’s.
According to our sources , Margaret immediately gave up her nursing career and talked Keith into buying her a house so she could begin, as she told her family, to live the life she deserved. Yes, Americans, having taken away another woman’s husband, and then having talked that same man into leaving the job he loved, she claimed
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