Lessons in Chemistry

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus Page A

Book: Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Garmus
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everyone?” Elizabeth said. “No one said a single word to me.”
    “Oh, well, you only hear from the other rowers when they’re pissed. The point is, we’re in the lineup for Wednesday.” He smiled, triumphant. Saved her again—first at work and now this.Maybe this was the way one ended a jinx—by taking secret but sensible precautions.
    Elizabeth turned and looked out the window. Could the sport of rowing really be that egalitarian? Or was this just the usual fear from the usual suspects—rowers, like scientists, were afraid of Calvin’s legendary grudge holding.
    As they drove along the coast toward home, the sunrise illuminating a dozen or so surfers, their longboards pointed at the shore, their heads turned, hoping to catch a few waves before work, it suddenly occurred to her that she’d never seen this supposed grudge holding in action.
    “Calvin,” she said, turning back toward him, “why does everyone say you hold a grudge?”
    “What’s that?” he said, unable to stop smiling. Secret, sensible precautions. The solution to life’s problems!
    “You know what I mean,” she said. “There’s an undertone at work—people say if they disagree with you, you’ll ruin them.”
    “Oh that,” he said cheerfully. “Rumors. Gossip. Jealousy. There are people I don’t like, certainly, but would I go out of my way to ruin them? Of course not.”
    “Right,” she said. “But I’m still curious. Is there anyone in your life you’ll never forgive?”
    “No one comes to mind,” he answered gaily. “You? Anyone you plan to hate the rest of your life?” He turned to look at her, her face still flushed from the row, her hair damp with ocean spray, her expression serious. She held out her fingers, as if counting.

Chapter 9
    The Grudge
    When Calvin claimed he held no grudges and hated no one, he only meant it in that way that some people say they forget to eat. Meaning he was lying. No matter how hard he tried to pretend he’d left the past behind, it was right there, gnawing at his heart. Plenty of people had wronged him, but there was only one man he could not forgive. Only one man he swore to hate until his dying day.
    He’d first glimpsed this man when he was ten. A long limo had pulled up to the gates of the boys home and the man had gotten out. He was tall, elegant, carefully dressed in a tailored suit and silver cuff links, none of which fit with the Iowan landscape. With the other boys, Calvin crowded the fence. A movie star, they guessed. Maybe a professional baseball player.
    They were used to this. About twice a year, famous people came to the home, reporters in tow, to get their pictures taken with a few of the boys. Occasionally these visits resulted in a couple of baseball gloves or autographed headshots. But this man only had a briefcase. They all turned away.
    But about a month after the man’s visit, all sorts of things started to arrive: science textbooks, math games, chemistry sets. And unlike the headshots or baseball gloves, there was enough to go around.
    “The Lord doth provide,” the priest said, handing out a stack of brand-new biology books. “Which means you meek shall shut up and sit the hell still. You boys in the back, sit still, I mean it!” He slammed a ruler on a nearby desk, causing everyone to jump.
    “Excuse me, Father,” Calvin said, leafing through his copy, “but there’s a problem with mine. Some of the pages are missing.”
    “They’re not missing, Calvin,” the priest said. “They’ve been removed.”
    “Because they’re wrong, that’s why. Now open your books to page one hundred nineteen, boys. We’ll start with—”
    “Evolution’s missing,” Calvin persisted, riffling through the pages.
    “That’s enough, Calvin.”
    The ruler cracked down hard against his knuckles.
    “Calvin,” the bishop said wearily. “What’s wrong with you? This is the fourth time you’ve been sent to me this week.

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