Life In The Palace

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Book: Life In The Palace by Catherine Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Green
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extravaganza planned. Does Jared really need Spike to hold his hand to get laid? Maybe you underestimate the guy, he’s pretty good looking. U of FL is a decent school, it has a very good biology department. Transferring shouldn’t be a problem. I got good grades the semester I was at Dartmouth. Rob says hi.
    Rob says hi? He’s sitting there reading over her shoulder. Doesn’t he have anything better to do on a Sunday? What does she do all day, anyway? Watch him fix bikes?
    Montreal. Home wasn’t a fun place to be after you left. Mom started baking. Spike and Jared understood. I said I’d go with them after summer session was finished but now I doubt I will. I met someone, his name’s Seth Wilks. Actually Spike hooked up too, I’m not sure she’s in a rush to go on an epic road trip. You might be right about Jared. It’s always the quiet ones. What do you do all day? Just hang out with Rob?
    I clicked reply angrily. Seth’s name linked to his Facebook page. I might as well get some mileage out of the hot boyfriend. Wait, shoot.
    “Seth, what’s your profile pic right now? Is it you or some cryptic message to Bret?”
    Seth looked up from the random textbook he’d pulled off my shelf. “It’s me at the bar last week when I poured the Guinness with the shamrock on top.” He looked at me quizzically but before I could answer a new message popped up.
    Sorry you had to take the fallout especially if baking was involved. It seems things worked out okay in the end, though. Seth’s beyond cute, nice work sis. Is he good to you? Right now, I’m working the day shift at the 7/11 down the road. Rob forbids me from working while I’m in school, so I want to have some money saved to make things easier on him. That’s why the transfer: Dad said they wouldn’t pay for school if I was with Rob. Rob can’t exactly earn enough to pay for Ivy League tuition and keep us going day to day. Rob treats me like a princess, I’m very lucky. You’d like him if you met him. I got to go now, there’s a vintage air show Rob wants to go to. Stay in touch,
    I stared at the screen while absentmindedly eating. Ok, so I blamed Stacy for ruining my life and Rob for ruining hers. Dad said that jerk got her to drop out of school and go cruising around on the back of a motorcycle. Now all of a sudden, he’s going to support her through school?
    I chewed thoughtfully as I tucked the last bite of cheese melt into my mouth.
    “Hang on a second? Where did that come from?” I wheeled around
    Seth chuckled, “We were obviously not leaving any time soon. I didn’t think you could have the big reconciliation with your sister on an empty stomach, and Simone was kind enough to share her breakfast supplies. How’d it go?”
    I glanced back at the computer screen. “She’s in Florida working in a 7/11 while Rob fixes bikes. It sounds like the white trash nightmare my parents keep presenting it as, but now it seems like maybe it isn’t?”
    Seth cocked his head to one side in a question.
    “Rob is supposed to be the big bad wolf who stole away their princess but Stacy says she dropped out of school because Dad gave her an ultimatum: either their financial support or Rob. She chose Rob. Now she’s going to transfer to some local place and Rob’s going to support her through college.”
    “Not quite the bastard he was made out to be, eh?”
    I shook my head, “As usual in life, things are a bit more complicated than they’re made out to be.”
    “Are you going to keep in touch with her?” Seth asked.
    “I think so. She’s my sister, maybe now it’s time I actually got to know her.”
    Noy and Tal were already waiting for class to begin, when Dava came in.
    “Sorry I’m late, Cale promised me a lift but we had to wait for him to get Jov. He wants to know if you want this back.” Dava tossed the sword across the room.
    Noy caught it lightly, weighed it in her hand and smiled. Light reflected off the blade

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