most benefit.”
“Honestly, I don’t know if I could take losing another baby,” she replied, looking away from him to stare at a spot across the room. “Not to mention, it’s not exactly a cheap process.”
“I could…you know…” he started. He wasn’t sure how to offer to father a child with her. He could only hope she caught his drift. “Wouldn’t that make it cheaper?”
“No and that’s not a good idea, anyway. What about when you get married someday? What would your wife think?” she asked, continuing to look anywhere but at him. “I mean if you want to be a…sperm donor, that’s fine, but I don’t think you should know who actually gets the donation.”
“No, that’s not what I meant. I meant like we could try for another baby…together. The old-fashioned way,” he suggested and then held his breath when she tensed against him. “I’m just trying to help you be frugal,” he finally said with a laugh when an awkward silence settled around them.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, either,” she replied. “I can’t…”
“How do you know? Have you ever?” he asked quietly.
“I’ve never even wanted to kiss a man,” she finally responded after several seconds.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked softly. When she didn’t respond and the awkwardness came back for the second round, he said, “No tongue action or any of that other stuff Jess is into, but a respectable kiss.”
She laughed outright and then finally met his gaze and shook her head. “I don’t know…”
“You know what, never mind.” He sighed. “I don’t think I can do it now after all. I’m too nervous, a little nauseous even. I mean you are Jess’s friend. You might stick your tongue in my mouth.”
“Very funny.” She giggled. Then she took a deep breath as though for courage, sat closer to him and said, “Okay, but just once and not for very long.”
“No I’m serious. I can’t be the one going in for it. If you want to that’s fine, but no tongue. I mean it.” He laughed and turned his face away from her. Teasing her was loads of fun.
To his utter amazement she maneuvered around until she was on her knees on the couch. Then she placed her hands on his cheeks, forced his face around to hers and pressed her soft mouth against his split lip. It was far from a sexy kiss—or even a decent kiss for that matter—and it was over before it started, but she had initiated it!
Seeing the anxiety on her face, he slowly brought his arm up and wiped his mouth on his sleeve as though wiping off her kiss. Her eyes immediately softened and she burst out laughing.
Chapter Seven
It had been nearly two weeks since she’d gotten up the nerve to kiss Ian, and she was beginning to wonder if her kiss really had been that bad. He’d made it seem like a big joke, as he did with a lot of things. And he hadn’t pressured her for anything more. In fact he hadn’t even brought it up again. Somehow she didn’t really like that. Why, she wasn’t sure, but she didn’t like that he seemed completely unaffected by the feel of her lips on his. As thankful as she was that he hadn’t tried anything afterward, another part of her wanted to know why he hadn’t. Was he not attracted to her? Was she just another friend to him, like Jess?
Some deranged part of her actually thought about asking him for a “do over”—as he called a second chance. She even entertained a couple of fantasies about kissing him the way lovers in the movies kissed. With passion.
Who was she kidding? She had produced the quickest and possibly worst kiss in the history of romance. At least he had been good about it.
It felt like he’d been around her whole life and knew her better than she knew herself. Along with not pressuring her about more kisses or having a baby with him, he also never asked about her past. For the most part she was relieved that he didn’t, but he had to know she wasn’t like normal women. So why didn’t he just
Roseanna M. White
Cathy MacPhail
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Howard Fast
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Thomas P. Keenan
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S. P. Cervantes
Melissa Mayhue