Master of Bella Terra

Master of Bella Terra by Christina Hollis Page B

Book: Master of Bella Terra by Christina Hollis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Hollis
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want Bella Terra to be much more than simply a run-of-the-mill investment.’ He grimaced, and twitched a shoulder.
    Kira turned back to the computer screen. He sounded like the typical spoiled billionaire, bemoaning his idle lifestyle.
    â€˜Ah, the curse of great wealth!’ she muttered.
    â€˜I’ve told you—this isn’t about money.’ His retort was swift and sure. ‘You are a case in point—the first time I looked across the valley from the Bella Terra villa I assumed your cottage would be nothing but a horrible reminder of everything I was trying to leave behind. And yet when you let me get closer, I got a different angle on your little garden and the homely touches inside. I envy you, Kira.’ He stopped abruptly and straightened up. ‘But maybe that was a case of giving you too much information.’
    She felt the exact opposite. ‘Why in the world would you envy me? I’ve got nothing, while you’ve got everything anyone could ever want!’
    He modified his smile, and the angles of his fine face became acute. ‘Is that what you think?’
    Kira swung back to her screen. Tapping a few names over the keyboard, she accessed her file of planting suggestions for shady places. ‘Pretty much.’
    â€˜Then I’ll shut up. When I lived and worked on the streets, I spent too long listening to financiers and ex-pats moaning. I was a tour guide, not an agony aunt—not that you would have believed it.’ He put his coffee cup down beside hers.
    â€˜I’ll bet you only guided the women!’ Kira said with sly humour.
    â€˜That depended on where they wanted to be led,’ he replied with an equally wicked grin. ‘I gave a top-class service to everyone, whoever they were—every time. And that is how I got here.’ He gestured around the IT suite of his impressive house. ‘I saw that tour guides were always in demand, and they were invariably a rip-off. There was a gap in the market for a first-class service. I set myself up with a second-hand suit and the right attitude, and cleaned up. The sky was my limit, and it still is. My firm has branches all over the world, publishes travel guides—’
    He stopped abruptly and frowned. ‘And to think— I’ve had all that success, yet so little satisfaction.’
    He leaned against the table beside the keyboard. Kira kept her eyes on her hands as she tapped over the keys.
    â€˜I want to be as happy in my houses as you are in your home, Kira,’ he announced, and then chuckled. ‘That’s a tall order, but I believe you can give me answers to all my problems.’
    Kira looked into his blue eyes and trembled to thinkhow much she wanted to do that. Attempting to sound crisp and businesslike, she said, ‘Rest assured, I’ve never disappointed a client yet. If I work for you, I’ll do my best to make all your dreams come true.’

    K IRA blushed as she realised her words could so easily hold another meaning. She held her breath. Once again she had said exactly what she thought, and that was the problem. Her words were intended to be a promise to make all his desires for his properties come true. Instead, she might as well have told him her deepest feelings. He was watching her intently. Surely it was only a matter of time before she betrayed herself to him? She wanted to give this her best, but felt the need to hide her true emotions. As usual, work came to her rescue. She hit Return on the keyboard with all the force she would have liked to use on herself. The screen leapt into life again. Simulated raindrops falling on the surface of water became a display of plant photographs.
    â€˜Almost as beautiful as you,’ Stefano said.
    Kira thanked him tersely. His words reminded her of Chantal’s patronising smile, and the way he could take his pick from all the lovely women in the world.
    â€˜I’ll key in the details of

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