the room at his brother, who’d just come out of the bathroom. His twin stopped in the doorway, lifting one brow in curiosity.
“It’s my brother, Winter. I just got a call from his assistant. He needs help. I tried to call him, but his phone went straight to voice mail. I know you’re busy, but…”
“What’s his address, sweetie?” Hawk propped the phone between his ear and shoulder as he grabbed a pad and pen off the nightstand between the two beds.
After he reassured her that they would take care of things there, he hung up and looked again at his twin.
“Trouble?” Garrett asked as he tossed the towel back in the bathroom and went to his suitcase for clean clothes.
“Don’t know. Spring says her brother had his assistant call her and ask for help, but she can’t reach him on the phone.”
As soon as they dressed, Garrett opened his computer and looked up directions to Winter’s apartment. Once he printed them out, Hawk led the way out of their hotel room and downstairs to the parking garage.
Twenty minutes later they pulled into an upscale apartment complex. They found Winter’s building in the back and parked in an empty slot not too far from his door. Stepping out of the SUV, he took a deep breath. He was surprised to hear his brother growl softly even as his own cock jumped to attention.
“Garrett, do you smell that?”
“Orange and spices, like Christmas,” his brother responded as he moved forward. “Our mate.”
Hawk caught up with him on the sidewalk. Together they tracked the delicious scent. He wasn’t surprised when the trail led them to Winter’s front door.
* * * *
A heavy pounding jarred Winter from sleep. Without thinking, he started to roll out of bed. He yelped when pain shot through him from head to toe. Moving slower and more cautiously, he rose and slowly made his way to the door. As he did, he looked at the small alarm clock sitting on top of the television set. Two forty-five. Since there was no sun streaming through the sheer drapes on the small windows, he deduced it was the middle of the night. At least he’d gotten a few hours of sleep.
“Who is it?” he asked, all at once fearful that his ex-boyfriend had tracked him down.
Scott had never been to his apartment before. He had always demanded Winter come to his house or meet him out at a club. He wasn’t sure if Scott even knew where he lived.
“Spring sent us.” The voice was muffled by the door but sounded deep and strong. Something about the voice reached into his belly to soothe the anxiety that had taken up residence there ever since he’d come to in the emergency room.
Flipping the dead bolt back, Winter took the door between his two casts and tried several times to twist it open. Finally he gave up and twisted the lock in the doorknob instead.
“You’ll have to let yourself in,” he said.
He stepped back and shifted to lean against the wall, his knees suddenly feeling as limp as wet paper towels. His insides tensed as the knob turned and the door slowly swung open. Two men stepped through. He relaxed when he saw neither one was Scott. It took another moment to realize he wasn’t seeing double, but the men were twins.
Hot, gorgeous, drool-worthy twins. Taller by his five feet nine inches by at least half a foot, they were powerfully built with broad shoulders, thick arms, and flat washboard abs. Skintight T-shirts hugged their muscles while loose-fitting cargo pants hid their assets. Their golden blond hair was tousled as if they’d just awoken from sleep and thrown on clothes to come to his rescue.
These were the kind of men Winter had been dreaming about since he’d realized girls held absolutely no attraction for him whatsoever. These were the kind of hot, sexy men he wrote about in his gay erotic romance e-books. He could only hope these two were gay as well and not married with kids.
He made a whimpering sound of hunger when the second man closed the door before twisting the dead
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