Motor City Wolf

Motor City Wolf by Cindy Spencer Pape Page B

Book: Motor City Wolf by Cindy Spencer Pape Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Spencer Pape
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sorry, Greg. I never meant for Lana to get hurt protecting me.”
    “ Neither of you should have been attacked.” He stood and paced the small office. “And what are you sorry about? It’s my job to keep you safe. Both of you.”
    “No.” She looked down her nose at him. “I’m not an infant, and I won’t be coddled. Lana would say the same. We are both adults and responsible for ourselves. We were laughing and we didn’t pay enough attention to our surroundings. I doubt either of us will make that mistake again.”
    He continued pacing. “Damned right. I’m going to call that security firm and hire more guards. Hell, I’m tempted to leave you both out at the compound tonight.”
    “And we’ll both leave.” She tapped her newly repaired fingernails on the desk. “For ninety years, I was a mindless pawn. There is no way I’ll be ordered about like that again. I have no objection to taking precautions, but don’t even try to treat me like an idiot or a child.”
    “Even though you have no training in self-defense?” He leaned against the closed office door and stared her down. “And even though no one can defend against a lead pipe to the back of the head?”
    “Actually, I do. This took me by surprise—as it did Lana.” Despite her inner flinch, she held his gaze. Her skin pricked as the tears and smeared makeup dried on her cheeks. “And no, no one can defend themselves all the time, against a determined opponent. So if we’re all leaving, that’s fine. I’ll be right beside you. But if you’re staying, I am, too. I can’t go back to mindless obedience. Notice how well that worked out for me before. You have to trust my judgment, or this…arrangement is going to be over before we’ve even started.”
    “After last night, you gave up that option.” He ran his hands through his hair and dry-scrubbed his face. “But you have a point. You’re both adults, and I’m overreacting. All I can promise is to try to respect that. Alpha wolf instincts are pretty strong.”
    Her lip quirked. It was impossible to maintain any distance with him. “I seem to remember that from last night.”
    Greg laughed with her. “Okay, I deserved that. Are you really all right?”
    “Desmond healed everything. I was frightened, but I’m fine now.” Hopefully, he wouldn’t be able to tell that her hands were still shaking, ever so slightly. This adrenaline thing must be more potent than she’d thought. To hide that, she reached for the small paper sack.
    “What’s so important in the bag?” He lifted one bushy eyebrow as she drew out the contents and sighed with relief. Neither of the small cardboard boxes was crushed.
    “Lipstick. It matches my manicure.” It had cost far more than she should have spent, but somehow it mattered. She’d used up her favorite lipstick several weeks ago, and until now, hadn’t seen a purpose to spending the money she no longer made to replace it. Feeling her best tonight would be worth the cost. “And a pair of earrings. I was allowed to keep my clothing, but the queen confiscated my jewels.” Those had cost two full weeks’ wages, and they were only small aquamarines, though the stones and settings were good ones.
    “Speaking of jewelry…” He reached into a desk drawer beside her and drew out a faded velvet box. “This belonged to my great-grandmother, on my mother’s side.”
    When he opened the box, Fianna blinked. The ring nestled inside was a simple design, a square-cut diamond of perhaps two carats, in a platinum setting with a touch of Art Deco design. “It’s beautiful. You’d like me to wear it to dinner? I’m honored.”
    “I want you to wear it, period.” He took it out and lifted her left hand. “It’s your engagement ring. I’ll be honest, Fee. I’m operating under the assumption that the wedding is a done deal.”
    “Oh.” He seemed so sure while she was still so confused. And now, an engagement ring? Fianna knew about that human custom, of

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