Off the Grid

Off the Grid by Karyn Good Page A

Book: Off the Grid by Karyn Good Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karyn Good
Tags: Action-Suspense,Suspense
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    She nodded in agreement and just like that the fight was over. “And a man like Jason Drummond has the cash and connections to make his problems disappear.”
    “Yes, he does.” No use pretending otherwise and she was too smart to fall for it. Jason Drummond would do whatever it took to protect his reputation, his political aspirations. He got a whiff of the orient and antiseptic before she put distance between them.
    Her eyes narrowed to a squint. “He’s not going to get away with it.”
    He couldn’t decide if her mutinous expression turned him on or scared him to death. Truth was Jason Drummond came from a long line of men skilled at manipulation and getting their way. Their perch on the top of Vancouver’s real estate pile hadn’t come without claw marks.
    “No, he’s not. He’s going to own up to his responsibilities.” Caleb was careful to keep his expression impartial. Taking a stand never came cheap. He couldn’t help wondering if any of them were prepared for the cost?
    On the street the icy air did little to cool Sophie down. Caleb showed no adverse effects at having Jason Drummond drop in on their planning session . Did nothing faze him? Or was he not invested enough to care? She inhaled hoping the chill would shock her system into neutral. So she could maintain a rational thought.
    “I don’t enjoy being dismissed.” She paused while they both pulled out gloves and yanked coat collars up to their chins.
    “Noted. Where are you parked?”
    She pointed to a spot down the street. “What did Drummond say? Exactly.”
    And what, if anything, did Liam have to do with it?
    He didn’t shrug her question off, but met her look. She noted the concern darkening his eyes. Watched the jerk and tightening of his jaw. His decision, when he came to it, showed in the lowering of his brow. “He’s setting himself up as the victim suggesting Kellie is playing him.”
    “Bastard. You’ve met her. You know that’s ridiculous.” She picked up her pace.
    Caleb caught up. “Is it?”
    “How can you ask that?” She stopped so fast he had to backtrack.
    “I don’t doubt Quinn is his biological son.” A muscle jumped in his jaw as he searched her face. “But getting to the truth requires looking at this from all angles.”
    “Lucky me. Looks like I’ve got you for that.”
    “No, Kellie has me for that.” He stepped in closer blocking out the street buzz. On a frosty cloud of breath he leaned in. “Who’s Liam Gallagher?”
    She blinked then swallowed. Neither helped. “None of your business.”
    “It is if he’s going to be a problem.”
    She snorted out a laugh. “Believe me, he’s not.”
    “Then why would Jason mention him?”
    It was a valid question. Because Liam had hurt her. Publicly humiliated her. Shattered her heart. But she’d moved on. What troubled her more was Liam’s resentment of Marnie. He knew of her past struggles. He knew how much her sister meant to her and the lengths she’d go to keep her safe. “It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t matter.”
    “Forgive my skepticism.”
    Her heart skipped a beat, which was absurd. It wasn’t jealousy darkening his eyes. It couldn’t be. It was frustration. A man in blue work coveralls pushed past them and knocked her closer. Her gloved hands landed on Caleb’s chest.
    He was as enticing on the street as he’d been inside the Empress. More at ease and fitting in better then she’d thought possible. She tilted her head, raised a brow. “You’re not going to make this a thing are you?”
    “It’s my job to lift the rocks and check underneath.” He put his hands over hers holding them in place.
    He had a killer smile. Not big or showy, but easy and natural. And those eyes. Intelligent and purposeful with enough wicked mixed in to make a woman wonder.
    “There’s nothing under this particular rock to interest you.” Were her lids getting heavy? Her heart rate slowed down. His head dipped.
    His lips touched

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