One Night With My Billionaire Master

One Night With My Billionaire Master by Cynthia Sax Page A

Book: One Night With My Billionaire Master by Cynthia Sax Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Sax
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teeth, his large form shifting restlessly under me.
    My lips curl upward. Logan won’t surrender his power for much longer, his desire to commandeer both our fuckfest and my soul, riding him hard. Even now, he kneads my aching ass, coaxing me to move. I obediently rise up on my knees and fall.
    It isn’t enough. Having caught my breath, I want to lose it again, but I can’t do this alone. I’m too small to take him deeply.
    “Sir?” I plead with my eyes, wanting his darkness, his control, craving his strong hands, crude instructions, the reassurance of his authority.
    “You’re so fuckin’ perfect for me.” Logan flips me onto my back. My ass connects with the cool leather seat, the agony exquisite, and he covers my lips, swallowing my scream.
    My billionaire master powers into me with long, hard thrusts, using me hard, gripping my shoulders to hold me in place, forcing me to take everything he gives me. I suck on his tongue. He knows his sub is strong, his equal.
    Our hips and chests smack together, the impact heating my skin. I bend my knees and lift into each drive forward, fucking him as fiercely as he fucks me. Sweat beads on his tanned skin, glistens in his black hair. His eyes are dark and excitingly wild.
    I hang on to the lapels of his jacket, my nipples, pussy, every part of me humming, throbbing, gloriously alive. He needs this and he needs me. Only I can give him this loyalty, strength, subservience, and he acknowledges my gift, grunting my name into my mouth.
    A drop of perspiration trickles down his neck, following a raised vein. I lick this trail, tasting the salt of his skin, and he growls, the animalistic sound exciting me, his blood pumping against my tongue.
    He’s close, as am I . Tremors roll over my body, growing in intensity with each thrust of his hips. My pussy constricts around his shaft, my juices oozing between his balls, wetting his private curls, branding him with my scent. Everyone will know this magnificent man is mine. I thread my fingers though his thick hair, carve my nails into his scalp.
    “Arms above your head,” he orders.
    His eyes flash a warning.
    Shit. I stretch my arms upward, touching the wall of the limousine. This position arches my back, thrusting my bare breasts upward.
    “Keep them there.” He drives his cock into my pussy, shaking my body. I moan, unable to move, to escape his passionate assault. It requires all of my willpower not to come.
    Logan, my demanding master, expresses no sympathy for his pet. He expects me to follow his rules, to delay my release until he gives me permission, and I’m determined not to disappoint him.
    This is hard, damn hard. He thrusts again and again, taking me relentlessly, the slap, slap, slap of my ass against the seat obscenely loud. I pant, the air pushed from my lungs, his large form pressing down on me.
    He’s bigger, stronger, more powerful. There’s no question he owns me, can do with me as he wishes. And I love it, reveling in my submission, giving him everything he wants, everything he needs.
    If only he’d grant me authorization to come. I press my lips together, trying to delay my release, seeking to earn his approval. My arms and legs shake. My teeth clatter.
    He swivels his hips, grinding into my clit. Oh, God. I stare up at him, panicking, not knowing if I can stave off my satisfaction. Please say I can come, I silently beg.
    “Soon, pet,” he huffs, reading my mind, my desperation tangible. His shaft swells, his balls drawing up tight against his base, his tempo growing erratic.
    I whimper, my mind splintered.
    “Two more,” Logan reassures me. “Count.” He thrusts.
    “One.” My voice is thin, my pitch high. I can hold on. I can.
    He pulls out to his tip. “Two,” Logan roars, driving into me balls deep. I scream, bucking, breaking apart. He pushes farther into me, filling me with shaft and cum. I twist and turn, pinned to the seat by his hips, my world flashing light and dark, hot and

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