Operation Barbarossa and Germany's Defeat in the East

Operation Barbarossa and Germany's Defeat in the East by David Stahel Page A

Book: Operation Barbarossa and Germany's Defeat in the East by David Stahel Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Stahel
Tags: General, History, World War II, Military, 20th Century, Europe, Modern
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Führerhauptquartier (Führer Headquarters)
Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police)
‘Greater Germany’ Infantry Regiment
‘Large transport area’. Referring to the transport regiment responsible for bridging the gap between front-line divisions and railheads
‘Small column area’. Referring to the transportation unit belonging to a division
Kriegstagebuch (War Diary)
German infantry man
Living space
German Air Force
Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt (Military History Research Institute)
Non-commissioned officer
Narodnyi Komissariat Vnutrennych Del (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs)
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers Party)
Oberkommando des Heeres (High Command of the Army)
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (High Command of the Armed Forces)
Anti-tank unit
Prisoner of war
    Pz. Div.
Panzer Division
Royal Air Force
    Das Reich
‘The Reich’ 2nd SS Division
German railways
Sicherheitsdienst (Security Service)
Schutzstaffel (Protection Echelon)
Soviet High Command
United Kingdom
United States of America
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
German Armed Forces

Tables of military ranks and army structures
    Table of equivalent ranks

Source: Karl‐Heinz Frieser, The Blitzkrieg Legend. The 1940 Campaign in the West (Annapolis, 2005) p. 355.
    Structure and size of the German Army

Note: a Wide variations of these figures occurred especially after 1941
Source: Own records.

Part I Strategic plans and theoretical conceptions for war against the Soviet Union

Part II The military campaign and the July/August crisis of 1941

    Archival references
    BA-MA RH 2/247. ‘Oberkommando des Heeres/Generalstab des Heeres’
    BA-MA RW 19/164. ‘OKW/Wehrwirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt’
    Field marshal fedor von bock
    BA-MA N-22/7. ‘Tagebuchnotizen Osten – Vorbereitungszeit, 20.9.1940 bis 21.6.1941’
    BA-MA N-22/9. ‘Tagebuchnotizen Osten I, 22.6.1941 bis 5.1.1942’
    Personal files
    BA-MA Pers 6/27. ‘Personalakten für Guderian, Heinz’
    BA-MA Pers 6/38. ‘Personalakten für Hoth, Hermann’
    BA-MA Pers 6/56. ‘Personalakten für Strauss, Adolf’
    BA-MA Pers 6/62. ‘Personalakten für Weichs, Max. Frhr. von’
    Army group centre
    BA-MA RH 19 II/386. ‘Kriegstagebuch Nr.1 (Band August 1941) des Oberkommandos der Heeresgruppe Mitte’
    BA-MA RH 19 II/128. ‘Tagesmeldungen der Heeresgruppe Mitte vom 22.6.41 bis 15.7.41’
    BA-MA RH 19 II/129. ‘Tagesmeldungen der Heeresgruppe Mitte vom 16.7.41 bis 5.8.41’
    BA-MA RH 19 II/130. ‘Tagesmeldungen der Heeresgruppe Mitte vom 6.8.41 bis 26.8.41’
    4th Panzer army
    BA-MA RH 20–4/162. ‘A.O.K.4 Ia Anlage zum K.T.B. Nr.8 Tagesmeldungen des Korps von 21.6.41 – 9.7.41’
    Panzer group 2
    BA-MA RH 21–2/927. ‘KTB Nr.1 Panzergruppe 2 vom 22.6.1941 bis 21.7.41’

    BA-MA RH 21–2/928. ‘KTB Nr.1 Panzergruppe 2 Bd.II vom 22.7.1941 bis 20.8.41’
    BA-MA RH 21–2/819. ‘Kriegstagebuch der O.Qu.-Abt. Pz. A.O.K.2 von 21.6.41 bis 31.3.42’
    BA-MA RH 21–2/757. ‘Verlustmeldungen 5.7.1941 – 25.3.1942’
    BA-MA RH 24–47/2. ‘Kriegstagebuch Nr.2 XXXXVII.Pz.Korps. Ia 25.5.1941 – 22.9.1941’
    BA-MA RH 26–29/6. ‘Kriegstagebuch der 29.I.D. (mot) vom: 25.5.1941 bis 29.7.1941’
    BA-MA RH 26–29/16. ‘Kriegstagebuch Nr.2 der 29.I.D. (mot) vom: 30.7.1941 bis 25.8.1941’
    BA-MA RH 27–18/20. ‘18. Panzer Division, Abt. Ia. Kriegstagebuch Teil I vom: 22.6 – 20.8.41’
    BA-MA RH 24–46/8. ‘Kriegstagesbuch Nr.2 des XXXXVI.Pz.Korps Teil II. 8.7.41 – 23.8.41’
    BA-MA RH 27–10/26a. ‘Kriegstagebuch der 10.Panzer Division Nr.5 vom: 22.5. bis: 7.10.41’
    BA-MA RH 27–3/14. ‘KTB 3rd Pz. Div. vom 16.8.40 bis 18.9.41’
    BA-MA RH 27–3/218. ‘KTB 3rd Pz. Div. I.b 19.5.41 –

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