Percival's Angel

Percival's Angel by Anne Eliot Crompton Page B

Book: Percival's Angel by Anne Eliot Crompton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Eliot Crompton
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charger could tell you more of Knighthood than your mother! Knighthood must be learned from knights. Like me.”
    â€œTruth, Lord, I have learned much from you since I came here.”
    â€œI see that! You learn very fast. Now you’ll learn twice as fast, because I’ll show you. Tell you. Everything. That’s my plan.”
    Percival sat speechless. It’s falling into my hands! Unasked! All of it!
    â€œYou’re wondering why.”
    â€œAye, Lord. I wonder that very much.”
    â€œI want you for my son.”
    â€œSon?” Percival stared through near darkness into Gahart’s grim face. I’ve been a son. Not much joy in that.
    â€œYou’ll wed my daughter. You know the one?”
    Stunned, Percival nodded. He had seen the girl about; very young and lovely, she smiled brightly to any and all. But he had noticed that Gahart’s men avoided her carefully and completely. Lili had advised him to do the same.
    Not that he would have kept her company by choice.
    â€œName’s Ranna. Been saving her for someone like you.”
    Percival swallowed. “Saving?”
    â€œRanna’s my only get, Percival. When I go, Ranna’s all will be left of me.”
    Percival’s mind clung to these weird words, as a fallen man clings to a cliff face.
    â€œOne day Ranna’s husband will lord it in this hall. Understand?”
    Slowly, Percival shook his head. “…Husband?”
    Gahart gave a great snort. “Never wed, myself. Never was offered a chance like I’m offering you. Look. Here it is on a silver platter. I show you Knighthood. Chivalry. You go on a quest for me. Bring back what I want. And we get the King to knight you.
    â€œYou wed Ranna. Live here. You’re my son. My grandson’s father. When I go, it’s all yours.” Gahart waved around at the darkness. “Hall, land, farmers, herds, herders, servants, fighting men. Gold.” He gave the bag at his belt a little jingling shake. “What say?”
    Percival shook his head vigorously, like the red charger when perplexed. Questions flooded his brain. He asked the first one that rose, fairly clear, out of the flood. “When you go where, Lord?”
    Gahart stared. Laughed. “To Hell, most like.”
    Hell. Alanna talked about Hell.
    Ah. Goddamn! “When you die.”
    â€œGot it.” Impatient, now. “Not even the greatest Knight lives forever, you know. Enemy don’t get you, sickness will.” (Percival felt Lili shudder at that word, down beside him.) “Famine. Plain old age. Gotta plan for that.”
    Plan for that? Not me! I’ve got no plan for that now, nor ever will!
    â€œSo what say, friend? Interested?”
    Lili touched Percival’s knee. She understands this, or part of it. She’ll tell me later.
    â€œThis quest you mentioned.”
    â€œOh, aye, that’s not much! Just enough to prove your worth.”
    â€œBut what is it?”
    â€œThe Holy Grail.”
    â€œNever heard of the Holy Grail? Should have known!” It was Gahart’s turn to shake his bemused head. “You just don’t know nothing!”
    â€œI come from a forest.”
    â€œHmmmff. The Holy Grail is what Arthur’s Knights quest after. I want it, myself.”
    â€œBut what is it?”
    â€œGod’s balls! It’s a grail. A cup. A dish. Golden. Magic.”
    Some small thing in Percival’s mind drew back, almost cautious. “Magic?”
    â€œYou say to it, ‘Bring ale!’ And right off, it’s full of ale. Or meat. Or honeycake. Whatever you say that you can eat. Won’t bring you gold.”
    Hmmm . Percival slipped his left hand down to meet Lili’s hand. Her fingers clasped his and shook, Yes!
    She doesn’t mind it’s magic? Neither do I.
    One thing more. “You say Arthur’s Knights quest for this grail. And you say Arthur will knight me. So—”
    â€œI see

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