artículos que se consultaron directamente al escribir Por qué ganaron los Aliados . No pretende ser una bibliografía general de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En los casos en que ha sido posible, he incluido las traducciones al inglés de obras escritas en otras lenguas.
Ambrose, S. E., D-Day, June 6th 1944: The climatic battle of World War II , Nueva York, 1994 [trad, esp.: El día D: la culminante batalla de la Segunda Guerra Mundial , Salvat, Barcelona, 2003].
—, Eisenhower: Soldier and President , Nueva York, 1990.
—, Rise to Globalism: American foreign policy since 1938 , Londres, 1988.
Anders, W., Hitler’s Defeat in Russia , Chicago, 1951.
Andrew, C., y O. Gordievsky, KGB: The inside story , Londres, 1990 [trad, esp.: KGB , Actualidad y Libros, Barcelona, 1991].
Armstrong, R. A., «Stalingrad: Ordeal or turning point», Military Review 72 (1992).
Arnold, H. H., Global Mission , Nueva York, 1949.
—, Second Report of the Commanding General of the USAAF , Londres, 1945.
Assersohn, F. J., «Propaganda and Policy: The presentation of the strategic air offensive in the British mass media 1939-1945», Universidad de Leeds, tesis de licenciatura, 1989.
—, The Background and Issues of the War , Oxford, 1940.
Bacque, J., Other Losses: The investigation into the mass deaths of German prisoners of war after World War II , Londres, 1989.
Baigent, M., y R. Leigh, Secret Germany , Londres, 1994.
Barber, J., y M. Harrison, The Soviet Home Front 1941-1945 , Londres, 1991. Barnett, C., ed., Engage the Enemy More Closely: The Royal Navy in the Second World War , Londres, 1991.
—, ed., Hitler’s Generals , Londres, 1989.
Barnhart, M. A., Japan Prepares for Total War: The search for economic security 1919-1941 , Cornell University Press, 1987.
—, «Japan’s Economic Security and the Origins of the Pacific War», Journal of Strategic Studies 4 (1981).
Bartov, O., Hitler’s Army: Soldiers, Nazis and war in the Third Reich , Oxford, 1991.
Bauer, E., Der Panzerkrieg , 2 vols., Bonn, 1966 [trad, esp.: Historia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (Obra completa), Salvat, Barcelona].
Beachley, D., «Soviet Radio-Electronic Combat in World War II», Military Review 61 (1981).
Beaumont, A., «The Bomber Offensive as a Second Front», Journal of Contemporary History 12 (1987).
Beaumont, J., Comrades in Arms: British aid to Russia 1941-1945 , Londres, 1980.
Beck, E., Under the Bombs: The German Home Front 1942-1945 , Lexington Kentucky, 1986.
Beesly, P., Very Special Intelligence: The story of the Admiralty Operational Intelligence Centre 1939-1945 , Londres, 1977.
Behrens, B. A., Merchant Shipping and the Demands of War , Londres, 1955.
Bekker, C., The Luftwaffe War Diaries , Londres, 1967 [trad, esp.: La Luftwaffe , Bruguera, Barcelona, 1972].
Belchem, D., Victory in Normandy , Londres, 1981.
Bell, G. K., The Church and Humanity 1939-1946 , Londres, 1946.
Benedict, R., The Chrysanthemum and the Sword , Londres, 1967 [trad, esp.: El crisantemo y la espada , Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1974].
Bennett, R, Behind the Battle: Intelligence in the war with Germany 1939-1945 , Londres, 1994.
—, Ultra in the West: The Normandy campaign of 1944-1945 , Londres, 1979.
Berle, B. B., y T. B. Jacobs, eds., Navigating the Rapids 1918-1971: From the papers of Adolph A. Berle , Nueva York, 1973.
Beyerchen, A., Scientists Under Hitler , New Haven, 1977.
Bialer, S., ed., Stalin and His Generals: Soviet military memoirs of World War II , Nueva York, 1969.
Bialer, U., The Shadow of the Bomber: The fear of air attack and British policy 1932-1939 , Londres, Royal Historical Society, 1980.
Birkenfeld, W., Der synthetische Treibstoff 1933-1945 , Gotinga, 1963.
Birse, A., Memoirs of an Interpreter , Londres, 1967.
Bisson, T. A., Japan’s War Economy , Nueva York, 1945.
Blake, R., y W. R. Louis, eds., Churchill , Oxford, 1993.
Bland, L., ed., The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: Vol. 2, «We Cannot Delay», July 1 1939
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Virginnia DeParte
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