Protective Ink (Urban Fantasy)

Protective Ink (Urban Fantasy) by Misty Simon Page B

Book: Protective Ink (Urban Fantasy) by Misty Simon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misty Simon
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her someday?” He shrugged and there was a world of eloquence in that gesture.
    “First off, she’s a strong woman, stronger than I gave her credit for. And second, you know she’d say yes.” She gripped his hand, hoping against all odds that he would finally see he was worth something.
    “What do I have to offer her? A life of crime and violence? She’s better than that.”
    She smacked him on the arm, ignoring the fact that he was sitting in a hospital bed after a trauma to his system. One she might have caused.
    “Don’t you ‘ow’ me. What kind of stupid crap is that?” she demanded. “You fight crime, Garrett, not start it. Dory knows she’s as lucky to have you as you are to have her, you pain in the ass. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you and you are the best thing that’s ever happened to her.”
    He opened his mouth to protest, but she rolled right over him.
    “Don’t be a nimrod. She’s doing what she was meant to do by healing you. Each day she glows more. She’s coming into her own and she’s putting her past further and further behind her.”
    He squinted at her out of the corner of his eye. “You sound like a mom.”
    “And I’ll continue to until you stop acting like a kid. Why can’t you see that you make her happy? That you make each other happy? In a world like this, that’s worth a lot.”
    “You really think she’d have me?”
    “In a heartbeat, Garrett,” Dory said as she stepped through the door with her fingers locked tightly as if in prayer.
    Lissa knew she should leave these two to have a moment together, but Garrett squeezed her hand.
    “I’d rather be able to do this on one knee and with a ring, but since Lissa very clearly reminded me that my ass might hang out of this gown, you’re going to have to settle for a hospital bed and my words.”
    “It will be enough coming from you.” Dory moved a step closer to the bed, seeming to almost glide forward.
    Lissa felt a pang in her chest. It was a feeling of joy but also of envy. She didn’t recognize the envy at first until it occurred to her that she wanted this for herself. She wanted someone to love her like this, treat her like this and want her like this. Wishing Jackson would be that person wouldn’t make it so. It would have happened long before now if they were meant to be together. The passion between them didn’t mean that they would ever mesh like these two.
    “I love you, Dory. I loved you even when you were making me terrible food and driving me crazy from next door. I’ll love you for as long as you’ll have me.”
    “Forever, Garrett. Say forever.” Another step and their hands were clasped together. Dory rested a hip on the edge of the bed.
    “Forever, then. I’ll love you forever and beyond if it’s possible.”
    Lissa used the tip of her finger to dab at the moisture pooling in her eyes. “Some damned ninja must be cutting onions in the next room. Excuse me.” She rose from the chair at his bedside and walked toward the curtain.
    “Will you marry me, Dory?” she heard as she wrestled with the fabric.
    “I thought you’d never ask, Garrett. Dory Blackwell. It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
    “It will. And I’ll get you a real ring tomorrow.”
    “You bet your sweet bippy you will.”
    Lissa left the cubicle, smiling for the first time in days. They were going to be okay and that made her happy. She had more work to do before she’d find personal happiness, but at least she was on the right road.

Chapter Ten
    After rummaging around the lab, Jackson decided to take a quick trip back to Wicked Ink before bringing Lissa, Garrett and Dory back to the tattoo parlor. He wanted to check the safety of the parlor before he brought Garrett anywhere near the place. Whoever this asshole after Garrett was, he was stepping up his game. Now Jackson wanted to go on the offensive instead of being stuck reacting to each new attack.
    Plus, something was

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