the side of the stage talking to the college chancellor when she came off and said nothing more to her when she walked past. The chancellor caught her attention though.
“We’re having a get together to celebrate the opening of the building in the Steedman Library,” he said to her. “You’re welcome to come along if you want.”
“That would be nice,’ Dawn replied and accepted.
When the chancellor moved off, Kevin leaned in close again to speak to her.
“Nice speech,” he congratulated her and she saw the cheeky twinkle in his eye as he went on. “Did I look good naked?”
The blush spread across Dawn’s dark brown skin at the comment and she saw the smile flash across his face. The chancellor called out to him before he could say any more and he walked off. She followed on in the direction of the library and took a glass of wine from one of the students carrying a tray when she stepped inside. The place was full of important people from the college and she felt a little intimidated. She wondered why exactly she was there and suspected it must have been a spur of the moment decision by the chancellor to invite her. When she recognized one of the students serving drinks she moved across to speak to her.
“How the hell did you get an invite?” Mary asked quietly and laughed.
“Shut up,” Dawn replied. “I feel like I should be carrying a tray.”
“Well you’re welcome to mine if you want,” her friend shot back. “I would quite like to relax with a glass of wine.”
“Yeah and speak to who?” Dawn asked. “I don’t even recognize half these people.”
“I think most are from the board of governers,” Mary said. “There are a few senior lecturers too. That basically means there are a shit load of important people here and…, you.”
“Oh nice,” Dawn complained and laughed. “Way to go building my confidence.”
“Glad to help,” Mary teased her. “I better get on with my duties before it’s noticed that I’m mingling with the college superstars.”
Dawn rolled her eyes as her friend walked off to serve the tray of drinks she was carrying to a group of people. It left her standing alone and she sipped on her wine as she looked around.
“Oh well, here goes nothing,” she said under her breath and walked across to one of the lecturers she did recognize.
“Hi Mr. Simpson,” she greeted him. “Did you enjoy today’s event?”
“I think I’ll enjoy the new wing better now that it’s opened,” he replied and smiled.
It was the start of a conversation about the merits of the new building and it lasted until Mr. Simpson’s glass was empty. He went off in search of a full one and Dawn drifted around some of the other groups that were standing chatting. She spoke to a few people and stayed as long as she could out of politeness, but when her second glass of wine was empty she took her chance and headed for the door.
“I hope you’re not running off when I made the effort to get you an invite,” a voice said.
Dawn turned to see the smiling face of Kevin Walker.
“You got me the invite here?” she said in surprise.
“It’s amazing the privileges that a few billion will get,” he joked. “And it seemed only fair that you got a drink to calm your nerves after the nice speech.”
“Thanks Mr. Walker,” Dawn replied. “I think I would have been calmer if I just went home though. I barely know anyone here.”
“You and me both,” he replied with a grin. “And call me Kevin. Mr. Walker makes me sound like an old man.”
Dawn laughed as she studied his face. She knew as much about him as she read up in preparation for the thank you speech. Kevin Walker was considered to be a genius entrepreneur that made his first million in IT before he was out of his teens and his first billion before he was thirty. He was now in his early forties and still at the cutting edge of
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