Royally Seduced

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Book: Royally Seduced by Marie Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Donovan
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washing machine and dryer.”
    “Ooh, a washing machine?” That settled it. The bohemian life was fun, but dirty socks weren’t part of the fun.
    “Always practical, Lily?”
    “Not always.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him. “Flying to France alone and letting a sexy Frenchman sweet-talk me into his bed should qualify as extremely impractical.”
    “For the French, affairs of the heart are always practical,” he informed her.
    “Affairs of the heart—I like the sound of that. How do you say it in French?” She walked her fingers up his chest and curled them around the curve of his ear.
    “Les affaires de coeur.” He turned his face to nibble at her fingertips.
    She leaned into his chest and cooed up at him. “Ooh la la.”
    He lowered his face to hers and captured her lips. She eagerly accepted his kiss, warm and affectionate, but playful and sweet.
    A throat clearing from the hallway startled them apart. Madame Roussel eyed them knowingly and told Jack something.
    His cheeks flushed. “She needs us to check out so she can clean the room.” He bent to whisper, “And change the bedding.”
    Now it was Lily’s turn to blush. She faced their hostess. “ Merci beaucoup, Madame.”
    She waved a dismissive hand. “Pas du tout, pas du tout.”
    “Is that the same as de rien? ” Lily asked Jack. He nodded. See, she was learning more French every day, although she’d bet several euros that several of the phrases he’d taught her last night were for bedroom use only.

    J ACK RELAXED KILOMETER by kilometer as they climbed into the rocky hills. Lily dozed in the seat next to him. He thought about pointing out some of the sights but decided there would be enough time for them to explore the outdoors later.
    He glanced down at her. She was so beautiful lying next to him. He hadn’t had the opportunity to watch her, except surreptitiously. He’d been right—she was a golden goddess in the pure sunlight, her honey-blond hair shining and her tanned skin glowing with good health.
    The guesthouse he’d mentioned had actually been his uncle Pierre’s house, an old farmhouse on the property. His uncle had decided to fix it up because it was far enough away from the main villa for privacy but close enough for the housekeeper to bring meals without the food getting cold. Oncle Pierre had been eminently practical.
    The house had had the perfect setup for whatever sexual exploration he and Lily wanted—pool, hot tub, tiled terraces and a nice high wall around most of it to keep out prying eyes.
    He knew she wouldn’t be tanned all over thanks to her admitting she’d never sunbathed nude, but he was hoping he could convince her to try it with him.
    He shifted in his seat as his cock hardened. Spreading coconut oil to slick her nipples and ass, their hot flesh sliding together as the sun beat down on them. He groaned and adjusted himself, but to little avail. The only thing better would be to take her without any barrier between them, his bare cock dipping into her tight wet depths. She would squeeze him, milk him dry as their juices mingled.
    It was such a potent fantasy for him, the doctor who had never once in his disease-fearing life had unprotected sex. Dangerous, dirty and raunchy, but oh, so tempting.
    He groaned again and forced himself to concentrate on his driving.
    Lily opened her eyes sleepily and moved her seat upright. “You shouldn’t let me sleep when I want to see the sights,” she complained, rubbing her eyes. To his chagrin, her gaze fell on Jack’s lap. “My, that is a sight.” Her lips pulled back in a sly grin. “How long have you been driving around like that? ”
    “Not very long,” he muttered. “Oh, look at that old barn.” He was trying to distract her with the ancient building. It had been abandoned for years, and the scrub bush was starting to overtake it.
    Lily glanced out the window. “Interesting. Can we see it up close?”
    “We’re almost to the lavender farm, and that is

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