“ We will speak later.”
James nodded and gave his sister an apologetic smile as Daniel hurried her out of the tap room and into a private parlour. For the next five minutes, neither spoke as servants bustled around laying food on the table, pouring wine and lighting candles.
“Thank you. We will pull the bell when we need something.” The servants bowed and left. As the door clicked shut, Rebecca raised her eyes to her husband.
“ I assume there is a reasonable explanation for my brother being dressed as your footman and being here. I assume he has been sitting on the back of our carriage all the way here.”
“ Yes. As you know, the Earl of Newthorpe died last night. It seems that Newthorpe did not die of natural causes. Newthorpe’s younger brother, and heir, believes he was killed. He has been questioning people around the gentlemen’s clubs. It is well known that Newthorpe and I had a boxing match. Unfortunately, James has been rather… vocal in denouncing Newthorpe. I believe he thinks he was justified and since I was going to marry you, you would be safe from scandal. However, young Newthorpe has decided that James is the prime suspect in the case. We decided it was better to get James out of London before the Bow Street Runners got him. It is purely a precautionary measure, but we thought it best to let the dust settle.”
“ Why could James not travel in our carriage with us?”
James chuckled.
“It would draw attention to us. We also did not want your mother to worry. He has left a note for her saying that he is at Anncote Park dealing with some farming issues.” Anncote Park was her brother’s estate in Lincolnshire. He would, of course inherit Chapelbrooke when their father died and his own heir would become master of Anncote Park one day.
“ Will he be travelling as a footman tomorrow?”
“ I do not know. We were not sure what was for the best. We think another day out of London and the Bow Street Runners will not be following, if indeed they were following in the first place.”
She considered everything that he told her as he began to place venison on her plate.
“Did he do it?”
Daniel blinked, then frowned.
“I did not ask.”
“ You did not think to ask if he committed the crime of which he is being accused?”
“ I did not want to know. It is his business.”
“ Not if he murdered a man.”
“ Even Newthorpe? If he murdered Newthorpe, then it was to avenge you and the blaggard deserved it.” She turned from him and stared into the flickering fire. Her mind could not deal with the concept of her brother murdering anyone, not even the earl.
“ I do not believe he did it though. Murder is not an honourable thing to do. And James is nothing if not honourable. He would have challenged the blaggard to a duel if he had wanted to kill him.”
She turned slowly at his words. What he said was true. “Fine. He can take the footman’s seat tomorrow. But I will ask him even if your delicate sensibilities do not allow you that luxury.”
She noticed his jaw tighten as he bit back a retort. But with that she sat down and began to eat the food he had plated up for her.
Chapter Thirteen
“ Will there be anything else, Lady Ramsey?” asked Betty as Rebecca slipped between the cool linen sheets.
“ No thank you, Betty. Have a good sleep.”
“ Goodnight, m’ lady.” The young woman bobbed a curtsey before hurrying out the room, leaving Rebecca alone to wait for her husband.
Daniel had said he would speak to James while she prepared for b ed, then he would come up. She sat upright in bed, looking around at the room. For all the coaching inn was not large, this room, their best one, was spacious with a four poster bed and a grand fireplace. A door led to a dressing room and there was a large bay window through which moonlight drifted in.
A candle flickered , and she stiffened. She knew she should relax but she was terrified of what was to come next. She focused
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