“Stand down, Detective,” he orders. “She’s not going anywhere with you.” He pushes me back, and says, “Blake Anderson, you’re under arrest. You’re going to need to come with me now. I don’t want to handcuff you, but I will if I have to. It’s up to you what happens next. I suggest you take this like a man, for once in your life.”
The nerve of this guy is outrageous. I want to knock him out. He needs to pay the price just for daring to be such an asshole in front of the woman I love.
“And what exactly are the charges?” I add a mocking tone into my voice. How dare he stand there and try to humiliate me. I’m the only one who’s actually looking out for Carrie right now. He’s bent on attacking me for being what he could never be to her.
“We’ve got evidence of ongoing corruption, Detective. Your partnership with Neon Lips is common knowledge, so give it up. You’re being arrested on charges of aiding and abetting a known criminal, but that’s just the beginning. By the time I’m finished with you, there will be nothing left.”
Now he’s the one mocking me and I can’t stand it for a moment longer.
We’re on a busy street and his words have turned my insides to molten liquid. Rage is burning through me; all I can see is his face in a flare of red. He’s gone too far this time. As far as I’m concerned, it’s over. I’m going to pound his head into the ground, and take total pleasure in it.
Right now is when Mark would tell me to think, think, think. There’s no room for AA slogans in my head right now. All that exists is rage. I need to get it out. I make the decision in an instant. My body is moving before I know it. I move in first, smashing him in the jaw with a closed fist. The crunch is deeply satisfying. Cooper stumbles backwards at the impact on his jaw. He doesn’t fall, though. Carrie darts out of the way, thankfully. This is between Cooper and me. I’m not backing down for anybody.
I’m expecting to be tackled at any second by Cooper’s FBI thugs. I’m sure he won’t be travelling alone. These guys always roam in packs. But no one seems to be jumping from the sidelines to assist him. I set myself up for another shot. I learned a long time ago not to give in to my anger, but this is different. This has become too personal.
Jason comes at me again. He’s fast and low, trying to throw his body weight at me. I see it coming though and instead of flinching I step forward. I sense the surprise when I meet his thrust with equal impact. Homeboy looks shocked. Game meets game! I’m taller and broader, but our training puts us on equal footing. I want this guy to regret ever taking a shot. I pull him into the most powerful headlock I can summon.
We hold and wrestle, but he gets in a sneaky uppercut. My chin splits. Cursing him, I pull away and wipe the blood off, my anger swelling in my chest with every second. We may both be bleeding, but it doesn’t stop me from tackling him. I pound him in the ribs, throwing punch after punch. Just then, Carrie steps forward and says something. Cooper gives her a rough push. From the corner of my eye, I see her stumble.
“Carrie, stay out of the way!” he shouts. “Get back in the c—”
Cooper’s instructions are cut off when I throw another punch that makes contact with his jaw. Blood flies as he falls back against the concrete. The force of his push on Carrie wasn’t necessary. He’s intentionally being rough and I’m so angry he just did that. I was the one trying to make sure she didn’t get hurt when this asshole stepped in.
I’m going to wake up with bruises and so is he. That’s good enough for me. I go for his throat. I’m physically exhausted and breathing hard, but there’s no way I’m giving in. The chokehold I manage to firm up will soon stop him breathing enough for him to pass out. I tighten my grip. My wrists ache but I persist. You’ve got to take what you want
Gordon Kerr
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