build his business through his own hard work. That someone had taken that and twisted it into something to hurt him with made Jamie furious. Bad enough to see the man she loved hurting and not be able to do anything about it. Worse to know that someone was harming him deliberately and she couldn’t find them or stop them.
There had to be something that they could do to find the person behind it. Some clue that they’d overlooked. She still needed to go back through the employee files, but that wasn’t going to happen with the phones going non-stop. But they had to end this before whatever the hacker’s next step was going to be, or it probably would actually be the end of Reid Enterprises, and there was no way Jamie was going to allow that to happen.
Just as she turned to step into her own office, Zander walked out of his, rubbing his temples with two fingers.
“You look like I feel, Jamie,” he said. “I don’t even know how many phone calls I’ve answered.”
She wasn’t really in the mood, but Jamie forced a chuckle. “If you feel as bad as I do, I must look terrible. At least half our client base has called in to tell us that we’ve completely failed them in every possible way, and there’s no quick way to fix it.”
“We’ll find a way to get through it.” Zander smiled at her. “If anyone can keep a business going past its seeming demise by main force, it’s Alex Reid.”
And wasn’t that true?
“Thank you, Zander. I hope you’re right.” Jamie laid her hand over the handle for her office door and stood for a moment, looking back at him over her shoulder as he went on his way.
He was whistling, she realized suddenly. An absent-minded, almost cheerful sound that followed him as he made his way through the foyer toward the elevator. Funny nervous habit to have.
The phone rang in her office, and she jumped for it, yanking it off the receiver before it could go to voice- mail and earn her a whole new kind of angry client tirade.
“Reid Enterprises,” she answered. “What can I do for you?”
Immediately, the angry voice started reeling off a list of problems the speaker was having with their investment portfolio. Jamie sighed internally, and dropped her chin to her hand for something to lean her weight on when she listened, not giving Zander or the papers any more thought.
Chapter 12
“Erica, what’re you still doing here?” Mark didn’t turn away from the expense reports he was compiling.
“I’m here to talk to you, but I can go if you’re going to be an asshole,” Erica said sharply from behind him.
Mark set down the sheaf of papers in his hand and turned around to look at Erica, who was standing in the doorway of his office, leaning against the frame with one shoulder and one hip, her arms crossed over her chest.
“What do you want to talk about?” he asked. He’d resigned himself to the fact that they weren’t going to work out.
She took a step closer, and her arms relaxed into a less aggressive posture. “About this thing going on between us. Whatever it is. I don't like it, and I don't want it to keep happening.”
He stared at her in surprise. He’d been so sure it was over. That she wasn’t interested anymore. “I don't like it either,” Mark said. “I really don't want to fight with you all the time, Erica. But I don't know how to fix it when I can't seem to get you to listen to me when I try to talk.” Hadn’t she just told him the same thing last night?
“I'm here to talk. How does that say that I'm not listening?”
“I tried to talk to you yesterday, too,” Mark said, standing and turning all the way around. “And we both know how that ended.”
“That wasn't just me,” Erica said, and he saw her shoulders tighten, her body pulling back into itself.
“No,” he admitted. “It wasn't. I said my share of things that I shouldn't have said. Although, for the record, I don't think you're a slut and I never said that I did. I just
Crystal B. Bright
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