Simple Arrangement

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Book: Simple Arrangement by McKenna Jeffries Read Free Book Online
Authors: McKenna Jeffries
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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to the caller. Before she knew it she was busy. Throughout the next few hours she was swamped with work. Calix came and went a few times, checking on the download and bringing in her new computer system, printer, scanner and fax. He placed the boxes on the floor next to the desk. Katiya raised an eyebrow. She’d known about the computer but the rest was a surprise.
    “We’re a full service crew,” Calix said cheerfully. He winked and left the room.
    Katiya got up to check the boxes and whistled. All the equipment was top of the line. She had checked them out longingly but knew they were not part of the budget. She returned to her seat on the couch and went back to work.
    “Ready to get your computer back?”
    Startled, she glanced up at Giga, the man from the computer room. He leaned against the office doorway. She kept her gaze on his face.
    “Sure, come on in.”
    He glanced around as he strode inside. “Nice.”
    Giga went over to the desk and started setting things up. Katiya watched him and marvelled at how, for such a large man, he moved with an innate grace. He glanced at her and she quickly lowered her head, getting back to work. Absently she listened as he set up her system. He worked silently, the only sound was of boxes being ripped open, equipment being moved then set up.
    “You’re all set,” he said.
    She looked up then stood before walking over to him. Giga stepped back and gestured. She went to her chair and sat, seeing her system was up. She searched to make sure her files and programmes were all there. After ensuring everything was, accounted for, she glanced up and stifled a gasp. He was sitting on the desk close to her but she hadn’t heard him move.
    “Everything there?”
    “Yes.” Why do you sound like a flighty teenage girl, Katiya?
    “Good.” He studied her intently.
    She returned his stare. Something about his eyes seemed familiar.
    “Have dinner with me—tonight.”
    She raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t asked, instead had phrased it as a statement. Almost like it was already going to be.
    She opened her mouth to say no. “Yes.” Katiya’s eyes widened. She didn’t date and hadn’t in over fifteen years.
    He smiled and cupped her cheek. His hands were soft and tender and the unexpected touch made her shudder. His eyes darkened as he looked at her lips. Katiya wondered if he would kiss her. She wanted him to, despite the fact they hadn’t even gone out. She didn’t even know his name but yet wanted to feel his lips on hers.
    “Is six-thirty okay to pick you up?” His voice was husky and even deeper than before
    “Yes, that is good. Here is my address.” She looked away from his compelling gaze.
    His hand lowered from her face and she almost whimpered at the loss of his touch. She quickly wrote her address on a sticky note then removed it and handed it to him. He took the information then shifted, putting it in the pocket of his jeans. The fabric stretched tight and she held back a sigh.
    “Six-thirty,” he stated.
    “Six-thirty,” she echoed.
    He ran a finger down her cheek then stood, turned and strode across the room.
    “Hey, why do they call you Giga? And what is your real name?”
    He stopped and turned to her.
    “I’m good with computers. You don’t know my name?” An enigmatic smile curved his lips.
    She got an uneasy feeling. “No.”
    “Call me Warwick,” he said.
    Shocked, she sat back shaking her head.
    He nodded. “Six-thirty. It’s too late to change your mind. I get what I want.” His look was scorching.
    He strode out of the door, closing it behind him. Katiya leant back against her chair and stared. After a few moments she started to laugh. No wonder Rhianna and Calix had looked at her like she was crazy. How had she missed the air of charisma and take charge attitude that was all around him?
    “I’ll be damned. Warwick Taylor in the flesh. The guru behind Taylor Bytes.”
    From what she had heard and read about him, he had

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