the man looked like he’d been carved out of stone with all those cut angles of his muscles and his sturdy frame.
She’d had this man inside her and survived without being the one passing out? How was that possible?
“You’re panting,” he pointed out.
“You’re gorgeous, Kel . . . I know you’re already aware of that, but, fuck, I can’t stop staring at you.” She barely allowed herself to blink. Her mouth actually watered as she gawked at the V shape leading to his large cock. Normally seeing a man’s naked dick failed to do much for her, but this was impressive, and it did make her want to do more than look.
“See, now this is what I was missing in my life—group showers.” He chuckled and motioned for her to come over to him.
“I like being over here. I can see you better,” she said, sounding hypnotized.
He tipped his head back and laughed so hard it made her jump.
It was loud, but that wasn’t what made her startle. The fact he sounded genuinely thrilled to be with her and that he thought her truly funny made her insides do odd things. Her heart squeezed, her nipples tightened and she was even more turned on than ever.
“I love your laugh.” God, she sounded stupid, but her mouth was on autopilot, and she couldn’t seem to stop. “And your kisses . . . I, well, I, uh, I’ve experienced some pretty awful ones.”
He beamed at her. “Really? I’m good at it, huh?” He exhaled on his nails and pretended to buff them on his stunning chest that was flexing at her. That small motion drew her in even more. So cute.
She smiled. “You’re adorable, too, but you know that as well, don’t you?”
“You seem to think I stand on a pedestal all day long and watch women burn incense and pray to me.”
“No, not incense. I imagine them tossing you their panties and bras.” She let the water run over her face even more and closed her eyes. Maybe if she stopped looking, her head would clear and she would make sense.
“Come here . . .” He grabbed her by the wrist when she wasn’t looking and pulled her into him.
“Doesn’t it hurt? I thought I should keep away so I wouldn’t jump you.” Her eyes opened, and she pushed against his chest with her fingertips to cut down on the surface area.
His eyes went down to her hands, and he laughed silently. “What in every fat fucker’s name are you doing?”
Her brow wrinkled, and her head snapped back. “What did you just say?” She snorted a laugh. “That was . . . Did you make that up on the spot?”
He nodded and the cutest dimples ever popped out in his cheeks as he grinned at her with a naughty look.
Oh God, he was torturing her with his cuteness.
How many times in the last few minutes had she thought that trite word? It was cheesy, but true. He was honestly cute when he was being his normal, dorky, lovable self.
Her hands were on him in that moment.
She couldn’t help it, or that’s what she told herself when her fingers somehow were gliding across his round, tight ass and getting a feel of them. “You get more attractive by the minute. How is that possible?”
He shook his hair, sprinkling her with a little of the wetness he’d collected from the spray hitting him. “It’s because I’m with you, and you’re so stunning. You make me happy, so I smile more.”
He said it like it was all so easy to understand and common knowledge.
Her chest expanded and made room for this perfectly flawed man standing in the buff before her.
“Can I soap you up?” Her right leg shook a little.
“You mean I don’t have to make you? What’s the fun in that?” He jutted his bottom lip out.
She leaned in and sucked it into her mouth, then tugged on it with her teeth before dragging her way off.
“Always the smart ass . . .” She rolled her eyes and then went cross-eyed.
“Speaking of asses, what do you think of mine? Does this small shower make it look too big?” He turned around, bucked his hips forward and then slammed them
Crystal B. Bright
Kerrie O'Connor
J.C. Valentine
Margrett Dawson
Tricia Stringer
Stephen Leather
Anne Kelleher
Nigel Jones
Darran McCann
Esther And Jerry Hicks