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Book: SpareDick by Sarina Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarina Wilde
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life? Could she really deal with that?
    “I need some time, Adam. Can you both give me that?”
    He released her. He didn’t look happy, but he nodded.
“Whatever you need. I just don’t want anger to be the only common ground we
    * * * * *
    Kevin wandered into the living room and sat, clicking the
wall-mounted flat screen on and tuning in a baseball game. The season was
winding down. The playoffs would come soon. But tonight it just didn’t matter.
Kevin watched it mindlessly, his thoughts scattering all over the place from
his need to talk to Jill, wondering where Adam had gone and finally to the
haunting similarities between Heather Stevens’ room and the room he remembered
Jill had when she was that age. He hoped like hell they got something useful
from the photos.
    When eleven o’clock came and went, Kevin got ready for bed,
stripping before he slid between the sheets. He’d always slept buck naked,
something that had made Jill blush when they first got married until she too
had figured out how much more comfortable it was. He tossed and turned, heard
Adam come in around midnight and tossed and turned some more. He wasn’t used to
sleeping in an empty bed without Jill next to him.
    Around one, Kevin went in search of something to help him
sleep. He thought he’d seen something in the kitchen next to a value-size
ibuprofen bottle. From the light above the stove, he sorted through the
bottles, at last coming across an over-the-counter sleep aid. That would do.
He’d shaken out two tablets when a noise made him look over his shoulder.
    Adam leaned against the doorjamb, his boxers hanging low on
his hips. Kevin set the bottle down, pills in hand, conscious he stood in the
middle of his partner’s kitchen without any clothes on. Also conscious this was
the same place Adam had first gotten on his knees and taken him in his mouth.
    “I couldn’t sleep,” Kevin muttered, feeling as though he had
to say something.
    “Neither could I.” Adam straightened and stalked toward him.
For an instant, Kevin had the nervous urge to run, somehow knowing his life was
about to change for good. Adam stopped before him, holding his gaze. “I can’t
do this anymore, Kevin.”
    “Can’t do what?”
    “Can’t keep hiding, pretending. I have to get it out on the
table, because if this,” he gestured between them, “and Jill is a nonstarter
for you. I need to know now.”
    “Why, Adam?”
    “Because I want more than one night with you and with her.”

Chapter Nine
    Kevin wished he’d put on clothes before he’d set foot out of
the bedroom, but who the hell was he kidding? Even boxers wouldn’t have
disguised his body’s reaction to what Adam had said. And Adam knew it. His gaze
slid down, pausing for a moment on Kevin’s lengthening cock. He looked away.
    “I’m sorry, Ramsey,” he muttered. “I don’t want this to come
out sounding all girly and it’s going to fly right in the face of how I made
everything seem.” He closed his eyes for an instant then met Kevin’s gaze.
“This has to be about more than sex. Oh fucking hell. Listen to this shit. I
want a relationship.”
    Kevin set the sleeping pills on the counter and walked over
to his partner. “And I won’t have sex with you without Jill. I guess that
leaves us in a difficult position.”
    Going on gut instinct, Kevin cupped Adam’s neck in his hand
and drew him in until their foreheads touched. Inhaling the warm scent from his
partner’s skin, Kevin slipped his other hand around his waist, pulling their
hips together. Holy hell, Adam was as turned-on as he was. They stood there,
their hips rubbing together and their foreheads touching. Kevin closed his eyes
and simply enjoyed the contact.
    “I went by your house, Kevin. I talked to her.”
    It didn’t make him angry this time. He realized Adam was
trying to figure out where he fit in this whole picture. “And how did that go?”
    “She says she needs some time.” Adam’s voice was

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