Tagged & Ashed (The Sterling Shore Series #2)

Tagged & Ashed (The Sterling Shore Series #2) by C.M. Owens Page B

Book: Tagged & Ashed (The Sterling Shore Series #2) by C.M. Owens Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.M. Owens
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him.  Wren shouldn't get married until he finds that.
    "What's really keeping him?" I ask, trying to seem genuinely interested, though my mind is focused on anything but this conversation.
    "A big sale."  She gets quiet, and then she looks around.  "So, do you really like this girl?"
    Too much.
    The photographer curses, drawing our attention before I have to answer that aloud, and I stifle a laugh when I see her camera bag has fallen apart.  All of her things have spilled across the lawn.  I wish I could revel in her misery, but the longer it takes her to get her shit together, the longer it takes me to get back to Ash.
    I'm not sure what I was expecting from Tag today, and I don't know why I stuck around.  It's going to be even harder to leave now.
    Maybe we could see each other after this - find out if there's anything there.  My taxi is supposed to be here any minute now, since I forgot to cancel.  I'll just pay him and send him on.
    I can't help but glance out the window to sneak a peek at Tag.  Maybe he won't catch me.
    I swallow hard when I see a girl rubbing her hand up his arm, smiling and laughing as they stare at the mess of things the photographer is picking up.  They seem really comfortable together.  I'm sure she's one of the many girls he's been with.
    I can't stay.  I'm just another nameless notch on his endless belt.  I'll simply be making myself look like the fool chasing after him if I stay.  Everyone here is probably already laughing at me.
    I cringe when I see him wrap his arm around her shoulders.  Here I was thinking I was something special, when in all actuality, I'm just another girl he fucked.  I'm so stupid.
    Tearing my eyes away from the awakening sight below, I head over and grab my bag.  I'm glad I finished packing now.
    I guess it's a good thing I didn't cancel that taxi after all.  At least the front of the house is shielded from view.  Tag won't even know I'm gone.  He'll probably be with that girl before he even notices I'm missing - if he even notices at all.  It's not like it matters.
    Tag could be an amazing guy, and he is, but he hides behind a shallow facade.  I'm not naive enough to think I can change him.  I'm not that girl.  I don't go in with blinders.  I knew what this weekend was, and now I know what it is - over.
    I head down the stairs, dragging my bag rather loudly.  It thumps down the staircase until I reach the front door.  I'm surprised to see the cab already outside.  No one ever called me.
    "Ms. Branderwood?" the guy asks, putting his phone away.  "I was just about to call."
    I smile warmly, though he doesn't realize it's forced.  He takes my bag, and I climb into the backseat, ready to get away from this nightmarish wedding that hasn't even happened yet.
    I tell the cab driver my address just as my phone buzzes with a new text message.  I glance down, opening up the message from the unknown number, and my mouth tries to tremble.
    Pretty girls are only pretty as long as their faces are intact.  Be careful... pretty girl.
    I get sick, tears swell up in my eyes, and my hands visibly start shaking.  Not again.  I thought this was over.
    My phone starts buzzing again with an incoming call from a restricted number, and I choose the ignore option promptly.  I don't need to hear some pervert breathing heavily.
    I dial another number, calling my other best friend - my only best friend now, I suppose.
    "Ash?  Hey girl.  How's the wedding?"
    I bypass the chipper hello.  " Shannon, are you still friends with that cop?"
    "He's calling you again?" she asks, her tone worried and serious.
    "I'll call Jimmy right now.  You can crash at my place tonight, if you want."
    Tears start slipping free at random.  This was hell the last time.  I pray Shannon's friend can help.
    "That would be great, Shannon.  Thanks."

Chapter Six
    Extinguishing Flames
    “So you haven’t talked to him since the

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