me.” He walked back to her, taking him in her arms. After a few kisses, he turned to run. His grace was astonishing as he fluidly sprinted away. She hardly detected his transformation. The next thing she knew he was a fabulous beast running on four legs.
“You’re amazing.” She watched in awe. He growled to answer her as he turned looking back. “Get a big dinner. You look like you can eat a lot.” She chuckled as she put her clothes on. “A beast like you needs to eat and not be hungry even when I know you like me.” He growled to answer again. He had good hearing, too.
She looked through their survival bag to find a zelite tablet. She added it to the pot of water. It bubbled as it dissolved. When it finished, she added some of the water to the pot with the leaves then sat it near the fire. Digging through their bag, she found something to handle the pot with and to stir the leaves.
“I’m back,” Val called from behind her. He was carrying something. It looked disgusting.
“What in Creation are you carrying?” Zalora made a face.
“My catch.” He held it up proudly. “This is our dinner.”
“Where’s its fur?”
“I took it off. Can’t eat fur.” He frowned.
“Guess not. You’ll be cooking it, too.” She made another face. “It looks nilely.”
“Is that a word?” He cocked his head to its side. He put his catch down, watching her as he changed into his uniform.
“Yes, it means disgusting beyond words. It’s a word my brother used to say. It’s old earth slang he picked up from vintage vids.”
“You have a brother?”
“I did.” She looked down at her hands. “He was killed with my mother in a space accident. They were traveling to Philison to meet his bride.”
“I’m sorry.” Val picked his catch up then walked to the creek.
“It was a long time ago.” She waved her hand following him. “My father’s remarried. My stepmother is having a baby boy soon. Father’s very excited, as am I.” She stood next to him watching him wash the animal in the creek.
“It’s hard to lose a child or family member.”
“It’s unbearable.” She sniffed. “I love children. It’s why I teach. My new brother can follow in my father’s steps.”
“It’s good you love children. So do I.” He let his catch drip dry as he carried it back to the fire. “One of my sisters as well as my Aunt Mia are teachers. My grandmother is a teacher, too. She used to teach at the University along with Aunt Mia. They’re retired now. My whole family loves children. I come from very a large family.”
“How nice. I wish I had more siblings. I’m often lonely being an only child. It’s one reason I love to be around children.” Val attached his catch to a spit over the fire. He stooped next to the fire.
“This is gonna taste great.” He winked at her. “Smell it cook? I already tasted it when I caught it.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “It’s so good to me.”
“Oh nilely, Val. Absolutely niley. You tasted it? Raw? You tasted it raw?”
“Yep. I bit into it good when I caught it.” He winked. “But I do prefer it cooked.” Zalora rolled her eyes. “You may be rolling your eyes now, but you’ll be begging for some of my cooked meat.” He turned the spit. “I think you like my meat.” He patted her on the back. “When you’re done with your leaves, you’ll want some of mine. If you ask nice, I’ll let you have some.” He leaned over, kissing her cheek. “You taste good, too. I need a piece of you.” He grinned. “Because you’re so special, you can have as much of my meat as you like.”
“Thank you, I think. I’ll remember to be nice.” She knew he had a double meaning in his words.
“I’ll enjoy the leaves’ aroma.” He continued to tease her. They sat around the fire watching the meat cook. Zalora ate her leaves.
“Are you sure you don’t want some leaves?” She held her pot in his direction.
“You can feed me some.” He opened his mouth. Zalora
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