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Book: TangledIndulgence by Tina Christopher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Christopher
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information unless you work for us. This
is of the highest security clearance and we can’t risk information leaking.”
Nikolai didn’t flinch from her demand.
    What do you think? Adira asked Mal.
    Duncan knows my feelings about the Council. He wouldn’t
have come if it wasn’t important.
    “Mal and I will join you, but we will not work for the
Council. We will work with you and only if you share. The minute we find out
you’ve held anything back the Superheroes and I are gone.”
    Duncan snorted. “The Superheroes? Damn, if they ever hear
that description they won’t fit through doors any longer, their egos will be
too big.”
    Nikolai smirked. “They already have trouble fitting through
doors. I like the title, as long as they don’t start wearing tights.”
    Mal didn’t join their humor. “What have you got?”
    The Vampires grew serious. “For close to a year Ferals have
been kidnapping and trafficking humans as blood slaves. We have managed to take
down a few of the higher-ups, but the leader is still unknown and unchallenged.
Basically we’re putting out fires, but have no way to take away the kindling.”
    Adira gaped. The peace between humans and Vampires was based
on the assurance no Vampire would treat humans as cattle. Ferals were those
Vampires who didn’t follow the rules and were hunted for their crimes. But as
far as she had been aware, Ferals were the exception. If what Nikolai said was
correct far more Vampires than ever imagined had gone over to the dark side.
    This trafficking ring could break the uneasy truce.
    They could be facing another galaxy-wide war.
    Mal took her hand. This group is unlike any Feral problem
we have ever encountered. They sound smart, organized and appear to have a
long-term plan in place.
    “And now you’ve seen Calatrave with them we’re in even
deeper shit.” Duncan sank next to Nikolai on the sofa.
    Who is this Vampire? Adira asked.
    He is one of the oldest of us and has a reputation for
being a fierce and nearly undefeatable fighter. From what I’ve heard he always
achieves his goals, no matter how long it takes.
    “And you think this Calatrave is the leader of the Ferals?”
Adira asked.
    Nikolai looked suddenly tired. “I never would have thought
so, but then I never imagined him part of this group. I’d always thought of him
as a man of honor and not someone who would abuse those weaker than him.”
    Duncan gripped his shoulder. “We’ll figure it out. Maybe the
Spaniard has a good reason for being part of this gang.”
    Nikolai only looked at him.
    Regret flickered through Adira at the other Vampire’s
betrayal, but she had only one focus now. Save Marissa and as many of the
victims as possible.
    Failure was not an option.
    Mal pulled her close and kissed her. I love you.
    Adira smiled and kissed him back. I love you too. Now
let’s call your team and see what they have found.
    She had no idea where this investigation would lead, but she
knew that with Mal at her side the young woman she’d sacrificed stood a much
better chance.
    They would take down whoever had dared to take her people.
    And now she no longer had to follow human laws.
    The other guy, whoever he may be, didn’t stand a chance.

About Tina Christopher
    Tina Christopher spent her early years flitting across the
Channel between Germany and England. After touring the world extensively, she
finally laid down roots in Toronto. And while Canada’s winters may be frigid,
Tina’s characters are anything but!
    Like most writers, Tina often hears voices in her head, but
it took the encouragement of an editor friend before she actually put fingers
to keyboard. While those first stories will never see the light of day, she’s
subsequently honed her craft and learned to build not just worlds, but entire
galaxies. Her first book from Ellora’s Cave features a galaxy filled with
Vampires, Humans and angel-like aliens called Naema.
    When not imagining faraway worlds and

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