Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies
taxi driver.
    Chapter 4: Starting from the Beginning: Planning the Lesson 51
    Countries and nationalities: ‘He is from the UK. He’s British.’
    Basic food: fruit, vegetables, meat.
    Days of the week.
    Everyday objects: bag, pen, telephone.
    Immediate family: mother, son, husband.
    Rooms in the house: living room, bathroom, kitchen.
    At elementary level, students learn to use many more verbs instead of only to be (I am, you are, it is). This is because with other verbs you have to use ‘ to do ’ as an auxiliary verb, which is rather strange for them and quite different from other languages (Do you like apples? No, I don’t). At this level students learn to talk and ask about matters related to daily routines. They also begin to refer to past and future time.
    Grammar to cover includes:
    Basic verbs in the present simple positive, negative and question forms: I live, I don’t live, do I live?
    Simple adverbs of frequency: usually, sometimes.
    Quantities: How much, how many? Some, any.
    Showing ability: using can/can’t.
    The past simple tense with to be : was/were.
    Future simple tense: I will go.
    Past simple tense with regular verbs: I looked, I listened.
    Vocabulary to cover includes:
    Simple adjectives: opposites, colours.
    Language for telling the time: hat time is it? It’s half past three.
    Language for shopping: types of shops, asking for what you want.
    Asking for directions: straight ahead, turn left/right.
    Months and years.
    Weather: What’s the weather like? It’s raining.
    Comparative adjectives: bigger, nicer, and so on (superlatives wait until the next level).
    52 Part II: Putting Your Lesson Together
    At pre-intermediate level students learn to discuss their experiences and future plans. They learn vocabulary related to travelling. In addition they’re able to discuss leisure activities and explain their preferences.
    Grammar to cover includes:
    Modal verbs: These give more meaning to the main verb in a sentence.
    Two examples are: can/can’t and must/mustn’t. I can’t wait any more because I must get to the shops.
    Possessive pronouns: mine, yours and so on.
    To be going to: This isn’t a tense but you use this structure to talk about plans. I am going to study medicine at university.
    Present perfect tense: I’ve eaten.
    Past simple tense with irregular verbs: I ate, I thought.
    Past continuous tense: I was eating.
    Adverbs: slowly, well.
    Vocabulary to cover includes:
    Types of films: comedy, western, thriller.
    Clothes: trousers, shirt, coat.
    Hobbies and interests: jogging, eating out, reading.
    Language for booking hotels and restaurants: Can I book a single room please?
    Landscape words: mountain, river, field.
    Parts of the body: shoulder, knee.
    Superlatives: the best, the most wonderful.
    At this level students tend to lose their initial enthusiasm for learning English. They already know how to make sentences that refer to the past, present and future and they have a basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
    However, at this level the language you teach adds sophistication and fluency, instead of basic communication. It becomes harder for students to measure their progress so you need to work hard at maintaining interest by using topics they really enjoy.
    Chapter 4: Starting from the Beginning: Planning the Lesson 53
    Grammar to cover includes:
    More modal verbs: (should, may, might). Too many modal verbs exist to teach at once so you teach a few at a time.
    Zero conditional: If it rains, I use my umbrella.
    First conditional: If it rains, I’ll use my umbrella.
    Second conditional: If it rained, I’d use my umbrella.
    Non-defining relative clauses: The man, who I thought looked great, was at the office.
    Gerunds and infinitives: going

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