Teorías sobre la plusvalía (Tomo IV de El Capital) vol. III

Teorías sobre la plusvalía (Tomo IV de El Capital) vol. III by Karl Marx Page A

Book: Teorías sobre la plusvalía (Tomo IV de El Capital) vol. III by Karl Marx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karl Marx
Tags: Ciencias sociales
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on any commodities already created , but that other men will labour and produce what they are to subsist on till their own product are completed. Thus, should the labourer admit that some accumulation of circulating capital is necessary for operations terminated within the year… it is plain, that in all operations which extend beyond a year, the labourer does not, and he cannot, rely on accumulated capital .» ( ibidem , p. 12)
    246. «If we duly consider the number and importance of those wealth-producing operation which are not completed within the year, and the numberless products or daily labour, necessary to subsistence, which are consumed as soon as produced, we shall […] be sensible that the success and productive power of every different species of labour is at all times more dependant on the co-existing productive labour of other men than on any accumulation of circulating capital.» ( ibidem , página 13)
    247. «… it is by the command the capitalist possesses over the labour of some men , not by his possessing a stock of commodities , that he is enabled to support and consequently employ other labourers .» ( ibidem , p. 14)
    247. «… the only thing which can be said to be stored up or previously prepared, is the skill of the labourer .» ( ibidem , p. 12)
    247. «… all the effects usually attributed to accumulation of circulating capital are derived from the accumulation and storing up of skilled labour , and […] this most important operation is performed, as far as the great mass of the labourers is concerned without any circulating capital whatever .» ( ibidem , p. 13)
    247. «… the number of labourers must at all times depend on the quantity of circulating capital; or , as I should say, on the quantity of the products of co-existing labour , which labourers are allowed to consume…» ( ibidem , p. 20)
    247. «Circulating capital… is created only for consumption; while fixed capital… is made, not to be consumed, but to aid the labourer in producing those things which are to be consumed.» ( ibidem , p. 19)
    247. «… the success and productive power of every different species of labour is at times more dependant on the co-existing productive labour of other men than on any accumulation of circulating capital.» [ibidem , p. 13)
    247. «… commodities already created…» ( ibidem , p. 12)
    247. «… the products of coexisting labour…» ( ibidem , p. 20)
    247. «… commodities already created…» ( ibidem , p. 12)
    261. «… it is by the command the capitalist possesses over the labour of some men , not by his possessing a stock of commodities, that he is enabled to support and consequently employ other labourers.» (ibdiem , p. 14)
    262. «… all the effects usually attributed to accumulation of circulating capital are derived from the accumulation and storing up of skilled labour and […] this most important operation is performed, as far as the great mass of the labourers is concerned, without any circulating capital whatever.» ( ibidem , p. 13)
    262. «… the number of labourers must at all times depend on the quantity of circulating capital; or , as I should say, on the quantity of the products of co-existing labour, which labourers are allowed to consume…» ( ibidem , p. 20)
    263. [Marx abrevia en palabras propias el pensamiento desarrollado por Chavée en su libro «Essai d’étymologie philosophique…», p. 176].
    263. « Wal couvrir, fortifier; vallo , valeo; vallus couvre et fortifie, valor est la force elle-même. Comparez l’All, walle . [110] walte , et l’Angl. [111] wail, wield » ( Chavée «Essai d’étymologie philosophique…», Bruselas, 1844, p. 70)
    263. «… all instruments and machines are the produce of labour.» ([ Thomas Hodgskin ] «Labour defended against the Claims of Capital…», Londres, 1825, p. 14)


    Aristóteles «De República». 472.
    Arnd, Karl «Die naturgemape Volkswirthscaft

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