The Abbess of Crewe

The Abbess of Crewe by Muriel Spark Page A

Book: The Abbess of Crewe by Muriel Spark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Muriel Spark
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Winifrede’s signed confession to the
     effect that she had been guilty of exceeding wrongdoing, fully owning her culpability.
     The Abbess further went on to deny rumours of inferior feeding at Crewe. ‘I
     don’t deny,’ she said, ‘that we have our Health Food laboratories in
     which we examine and experiment with vast quantities of nourishing products.’ In
     the field of applied electronics, the Abbess claimed, the Abbey was well in advance and
     hoped by the end of the year to produce a new and improved lightning conductor which
     would minimize the danger of lightning in the British Isles to an even smaller
     percentage than already existed.
    The audiences goggled with awe at this lovely lady. She said that such tapes as existed
     were confidential recordings of individual conversations between nun and Abbess, and
     these she would never part with. She smiled sublimely and asked for everyone’s
     prayers for the Abbey of Crewe and for her beloved Sister Gertrude, whose magnificent
     work abroad had earned universal gratitude.
    The cameras have all gone home and the reporters wait outside the gates. Only the
     rubbish-truck, the Jesuit who comes to say Mass and the post-van are permitted to enter
     and leave. After these morning affairs are over the gates remain locked. Alexandra has
     received the bishops, has spoken, and has said she will receive them no more. The
     bishops, who had left the Abbess with soothed feelings, had experienced, a few hours
     after leaving the Abbey, a curious sense of being unable to recall precisely what
     explanation Alexandra had given. Now it is too late.
    Who is paying blackmailers, for what purpose, to whom, how much, and with funds from what
     source? There is no clear answer, neither in the press nor in the hands of the bishops.
     It is the realm of mythology, and the Abbess explains this to Gertrude in her goodbye
     call on the green telephone.
    ‘Well,’ Gertrude says, ‘you may have the public mythology of the press
     and television, but you won’t get the mythological approach from Rome. In Rome,
     they deal with realities.’
    ‘It’s quite absurd that I have been delated to Rome with a view to
     excommunication,’ says the Abbess, ‘and of course, Gertrude, dear, I am
     going there myself to plead my cause. Shall you be there with me? You could then come
     back to England and take up prison reform or something.’
    ‘I’m afraid my permit in Tibet only lasts a certain time,’ Gertrude
     huskily replies. ‘I couldn’t get away.’
    ‘In response to popular demand,’ says the Abbess, ‘I have decided to
     make selected transcripts of my tapes and publish them. I find some passages are missing
     and fear that the devil who goes about as a raging lion hath devoured them. There are
     many film and stage offers, and all these events will help tremendously to further your
     work in the field and to assist the starved multitudes. Gertrude, you know I am become
     an object of art, the end of which is to give pleasure.’
    ‘Delete the English poetry from those tapes,’ Gertrude says. ‘It will
     look bad for you at Rome. It is the language of Cranmer, of the King James version, the
     book of Common Prayer. Rome will take anything, but English poetry, no.’
    ‘Well, Gertrude, I do not see how the Cardinals themselves can possibly read the
     transcripts of the tapes or listen to the tapes if their existence is immoral, Anyway, I
     have obtained all the nuns’ signed confessions, which I shall take with me to
     Rome. Fifty of them.’
    ‘What have the nuns confessed?’
    The Abbess reads in her glowing voice over the green telephone to far-away Gertrude the
    ‘They have all signed that statement?’
    ‘Gertrude, do you have bronchial trouble?’
    ‘I am outraged,’ says Gertrude, ‘to hear you have all been sinning away
     there in Crewe, and exceedingly at that, not only in thought and deed but also in word.
     I have been toiling and

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