centuries who have loved and followed the Lord. The important thing is the place in your heart that money holds and whether you hoard and are selfish with your wealth or if you are generous and use it to help others. God didn’t say give it all to Him, He asked for 10% (plus generous offering borne out of your love for God which can be given to churches, the poor and less privileged or those you are better than financially) off the top and then anything more is your gift as you decide. Pastor Mark Pfeifer in his book, breaking the spirit of poverty said that: “there is no doubt in my mind that God is raising up people like Abraham who are going to help finance the kingdom of God. These people need to be kingdom-minded. They need to understand that being successful is not enough. They (must) move into a state of being significant. Success is measured by how much you have. Significance is measured by how much you give—i.e. the impact you make.
You don’t need to be apologetic or afraid of prosperity. That is part of what Jesus death and salvation qualifies you for. It was because of false interpretations of religious teachings that Saul who later became Apostle Paul and one of the New Testament outstanding itinerant evangelists used the Jewish religion to terrorize and subject early Christians into untold pains and supervised the stoning to death of Apostle Stephen, in A.D 27 before his conversion to Christianity. Paul who once was brainwashed by religious teachings into doing evil warned Colossian believers in the Christian Scriptures (Colossians 2:8 NIV) that: “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. Part of what “poor/false religion or religious teachings” has promoted is greed and corruption and the illiteracy of people not knowing their rights or even when they do, the fear of brutal offensive from their captors. The first chapter of (James 1:27 NIV) described true religion as any: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless to look after (the populations who are struggling through life difficulties) orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by (greed and corruption, and false teachings that perpetuate evil to the populations of) the world.
‘Religious Stakeholders and Elites’ Abuse of Religion
Majority of the problems that the church populations have faced over the years comes from the apparent discrepancies inherent in religious pedagogies that have for centuries influenced and limited the children of God to living at their best, and making their minds to work for them at their fullest potentialities by expanding their horizon. It has continuously kept them in captivity from achieving, becoming, and standing tall with their heads high in taking custody of all God-given opportunities and natural resources that was at their reach. The result is this: lack of transparency, racial and tribal mistrusts and tensions; other countries or groups invading and dominating through structural injustices and corrupt practices other people’s natural mineral resources; like oil and gas (in such people’s homeland) and poor management and wastages. The compendium of poor teachings that negates empowering pastors, religious people and populations and provide them with the tools for financial success, to take response-ability of created things and resources and dominate these resources as seen in Genesis 1: 26ff (where God gave Adam the mandate of dominion) ran deep in the theological training and curricula that produced the teachings received by many pastors and theologians over the centuries. Whether it was in the Chicago Theological School, Fuller Theological Seminary or Andrews University, it is still the same. Thankfully, the administration of Professor James Makinde, the vibrant Vice Chancellor/President of my
Danielle Girard
Ali Smith
L.L. Bartlett
Diane Scott Lewis
Gina Perry
Katherine Garbera
Christopher Nuttall, Justin Adams
Walter Dean Myers
Emily Barker