, Woodbridge, 1986. The most recent edition is D.B. Tyson, Vie du Prince Noir , Tübingen, 1975.
The Chronicles of Jean Froissart provide a key insight into the mentality of the fourteenth century Anglo-French aristocracy. There are numerous editions:
Chroniques , ed. Simeon Luce (SHF), Paris, 1870-present.
Oeuvres , ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove, Brussels, 1867-77.
The most recent, although heavily expurgated translation into English is G. Brereton, Froissart: Chronicles , Harmondsworth, repr. 1978.
For a contemporary guide to chivalry probably written for the Order of the Star see The Book of Chivalry of Geoffroi de Charny , ed. and trans. R. Kaueper and E. Kennedy, Philadelphia, 1996.
See also Christine de Pizan, The Book of Arms and Deeds of Chivalry , trans. Sumner Willard, ed. Charity Cannon Willard, Pennsylvania, 1999.
Collections of Sources in Translation
C. Allmand, Society at War. The Experience of England and France During the Hundred Years War , Edinburgh, 1973, repr. Woodbridge, 1998.
R. Barber, The Life and Campaigns of the Black Prince , Woodbridge, 1986.
Clifford J. Rogers, The Wars of Edward III: Sources and Interpretation , Woodbridge, 1999 (also contains a selection of important articles on the early stages of the Hundred Years War).
A.R. Myers, ed., English Historical Documents , iv, 1327-1485, London, 1969.
Administrative and Governmental Records
Thomas Rymer, Foedera, Conventiones, Litterae etc ., London, 1708-9; rev. ed. A. Clarke, F. Holbroke and J. Coley, 4 vols in 7 parts (Record Commission), 1816-69.
Calendar of Close Rolls, Calendar of Patent Rolls, Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem .
The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 1275–1504 , ed. Chris Given-Wilson et al., Woodbridge, 2005.
For the household and estate of the Black Prince see The Register of Edward the Black Prince , ed. M.C.B. Dawes, 4 vols, London, 1930-3.
Biographies of the Black Prince
Richard Barber, Edward Prince of Wales and Aquitaine , Woodbridge, 1978.
Barbara Emerson, The Black Prince , London, 1976.
M. Dupuy, Le Prince Noir , Paris, 1970.
David Green, The Black Prince , Stroud, 2001.
David Green, Edward the Black Prince: Power in Medieval Europe , Harlow, 2007.
John Harvey, The Black Prince and his Age , London, 1976.
J. Moisant, Le Prince Noir en Aquitaine, 1355–6, 1362–70 , Paris, 1894.
Military Studies
Andrew Ayton, Knights and Warhorses: Military Service and the English Aristocracy under Edward III , Woodbridge, 1994.
Andrew Ayton and J.L. Price ed., The Medieval Military Revolution: State and Society in Medieval and Early Modern Europe , London and New York, 1995.
J. Barnie, War in Medieval Society: Social Values and the Hundred Years War , 1337–99, London, 1974.
Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege , Woodbridge, 1992.
A.H. Burne, The Crécy War: A Military History of the Hundred Years War from 1337 to the Peace of Brétigny, 1360 , London, 1955.
Philippe Contamine, Guerre, état et société à la fin du Moyen Âge. Etudes sur les armées des rois de France, 1337-1494 , Paris, 1972; War in the Middle Ages (trans. Michael Jones), Oxford, 1987.
Anne Curry and Michael Hughes, ed., Arms, Armour and Fortifications in the Hundred Years War , Woodbridge, 1994.
Kenneth Fowler, Medieval Mercenaries , London, 2000.
H.J. Hewitt, The Black Prince’s Expedition of 1355–1357 , Manchester, 1958; The Organization of War under Edward III, 1338–62 , Manchester, 1966.
Maurice Keen ed., Medieval Warfare: A History , Oxford, 1999.
Michael Prestwich, Armies and Warfare in the Middle Ages. The English Experience , New Haven, 1996.
A.E. Prince, ‘The Strength of English Armies in the Reign of Edward III’, EHR , xlvi (1931), 353-71.
Clifford J. Rogers, ‘The Military Revolution of the Hundred Years’ War’, Journal of Military History , 57 (1993), 241-78; War Cruel and Sharp: English Strategy under Edward III, 1327–1360 , Woodbridge, 2000.
Matthew Strickland, ed. Armies, Chivalry and Warfare in Medieval Britain and France:
K.J. Emrick
John Harrison
Diana Peterfreund, Carrie Ryan, Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Leah Wilson, Terri Clark, Blythe Woolston
G. D. Tinnams
Franklin W. Dixon
Rich Wallace
Mary Wine
Christine Feehan
Annie Carroll
Patrick Woodhead