Repeatedly, in a variety of formats: TV, radio, print, and banner ads. It’s the frequency of exposure that matters in the aging brain.
However, the repetition reinforces belief paradigm can be very useful to a brand that wants to keep a consistent story in front of its customers. If the story is repeated, the older brain will tend to see it as true. So keep your story out there, support it with messaging that lets older consumers feel good about themselves, and keep it positive to align the older brain with your brand.
June 5, 2010
Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA
The Boomer Brain Is Buying
The Boomer Brain: Aging Power to the
Nth Degree
As I mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the fact that these natural brain changes are occurring in aging brains is only half of our story. The other half is the tremendous buying power of the generational cohort that is happening within. I cannot overstate the importance of maximizing your impact among this game-changing group. Perform neurological tests to assure that your message is on target. Listen to Boomer brains as they interact with your product. Find out how to make your brand a trusted advisor, an intimate friend and your in-store experience a positive, self-validating one.
Conduct Brand Essence Framework studies to determine how your brand is perceived by the Boomer brain. Use Total Consumer Experience tests to identify the Neurological Iconic signatures that your product evokes in the older brain. Rely on Deep Subconscious Response measurements to isolate and quantify the key attributes that your brand or product is associated with in the mature mind. You’ll learn much more about all these neuromarketing methodologies in Part 2.
The Boomer brain is waiting to hear you and demanding to be addressed in a new and unique way.
June 5, 2010
Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA
June 7, 2010
Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA
The Female Brain Is Buying
At the end of this chapter, you’ll know and be able to use the following:
r The how’s and why’s of gender brain differences r How to effectively address the female brain’s special, hard-wired preferences
r The messaging elements the female brain loves r Tactics the female brain rejects out of hand One thing we can say with certainty is that, barring some kind of injury or abnormality, most human brains are very much alike. This was represented by the brain you met in Chapter 4, with the same functions, same speed of processing, and universal hard-wired reactions to primal stimuli available to any other, except for two important exceptions to the rule. First, the brain changes as it ages, as we learned in the previous chapter. Second, the brain of a woman is wired differently from the brain of a man. Let’s look at this fascinating variation on the One Brain theme.
Learning about the Female Brain
Trust me; it’s not chivalry that prompts me to provide the female brain with a chapter devoted entirely to her marvelous complexity. She’s here because, in terms of consumer buying power and influence, she deserves to be.
For the first time in history , more women than men are working full-time. That’s because the number of women working has remained fairly constant, while a full 82 percent of the layoffs from the recession of 2009 fell to men in depressed industries like manufacturing and construction, according to the New York Times.
In addition, single women now head almost a third of all households in the United States. In many cases women are the sole breadwinners and the 65
June 7, 2010
Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA
The Buying Brain
Figure 7.1
Female income worldwide is greater than China and India’s GDPs combined.
Carolyn Scott
Jacqueline Green
Christina Fink
Tamora Pierce
Archer Mayor
Bill Ryan
Camille Minichino
Alisa Anderson
Anthony Doerr
Nino Ricci