The Death of Me

The Death of Me by Yolanda Olson Page A

Book: The Death of Me by Yolanda Olson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yolanda Olson
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Remember how when we were going to Grandma’s house? You said that the next time we would go through with what we started?” I asked.
    He didn’t verbally answer me, but he nodded his head slightly, using the back of his hand to wipe the tears from his face.
    “Give me a few minutes,” I said, walking away from the the door frame and heading into my bedroom.
    I didn’t want to drag it out any longer than I had to and I just wanted to leave him with a small ounce of happiness before I left. I have to move faster, I thought as I glanced at the time on the alarm clock on my nightstand. Friday would be over soon and I didn’t want to wait another week.
    I went to my walk-in closet and walked straight toward the back left corner. I pulled out a pretty black dress, held it up, and smiled. It was what I had worn the last time I saw my grandfather and it still fit me for the most part. I pulled off my clothes, before slipping it over my body then went back to my bedroom. I went over to the entertainment stand that held a box of jewelry that belonged to Grandma when she was younger and pulled out a beautiful silver necklace. I wanted to look my best when I left and one glance in the standing mirror mounted on the inside of the closet told me that I looked just fine.
    I closed the closet doors and flipped the light off in my room. When I went back into the living room, I walked over to the smaller closet space I had in there and pulled out a pair of black flip flops. Everything was ready; all I would have to do was slip them on then leave once I was done with Garrett.
    I turned around to face him and smiled shyly. It was as sincere of a smile as I could muster and for the briefest of moments, it looked like his eyes were shining again.
    “Ready?” I asked softly.
    “For what?” he asked, in confusion.
    My smile deepened slightly as I walked over to him and straddled his lap.
    “For me,” I said softly, as I gripped the sides of his face, leaned forward and kissed him as passionately as I could.
    In no time, his hands were gripping my hips tightly as he returned my kiss and I almost shivered when he sighed gently into my mouth. I reached down for his shirt, but before I could pull it out of his pants, he grabbed my hands by the wrists and pushed me back.
    “No. This isn’t right; not now,” he said, his breath laboring slightly.
    “This is your only chance, Garrett,” I replied trying to kiss him again. 
    “Zaydee, stop!” he shouted shoving me off of his lap.
    I hit my head on the coffee table and fell onto the carpet, a hand cradling my injury. I brought my hand forward and saw a small amount of blood on the tips of my fingers before I pushed myself to my feet.
    “I didn’t want to have to do it this way,” I said quietly.
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t ... I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. Can I look at that please?” he said, reaching for me.
    I took a few unsteady steps backwards, before I went over to where my flip flops were sitting and slid my feet into them.
    “Zaydee, let me look at your head,” he said again, getting to his feet.
    “Stay away from me,” I replied sharply.
    I knew it wouldn’t work. Trying to be normal was something that I had to work hard at and the facade never lasted longer than mere moments.
    I went into the kitchen to retrieve the last item I needed before I left. With an angry slam, the drawer I had opened clanked shut, the insides making a loud noise as the contents rattled around inside.
    “Hey,” he said, entering the kitchen. “Are you going to let me look at your head or am I going to have to strap you down and do it?”
    I put the item I had come in to retrieve on top of the island and his face turned white. He held his hands up and took a step backward.
    “Zaydee, what are you going to do with that?” he asked cautiously.
    “Oh it’s not for you ,” I replied in disgust.
    “Then who’s it for?” he asked nervously.
    “Go get the vase,” I commanded,

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