The Do's and Don'ts of Entering a Relationship

The Do's and Don'ts of Entering a Relationship by Stephen Robinson Page B

Book: The Do's and Don'ts of Entering a Relationship by Stephen Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Robinson
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    3. DO make time for me – Ok so we’ve discussed not seeing each other all the time and making sure you spend time with your friends, and now I’m telling you to spend time alone too? So do you get to spend ANY time with your new partner?? Well of course, I’m just getting these out of the way now because they are often overlooked.

Me time is something that isn’t always talked much about in relationship advice books, and I believe that this is asking for disaster. You personal time is so important. It’s just as important as time with your new partner and time with your friends. Now some readers might be thinking “well I don’t like being on my own.” This is time to change that. You need to be able to enjoy your own company for others to enjoy it! Time on your own can be when you really find out who you are. I’m not just talking about spending time at home on your own watching films as to be honest I think that’s much more enjoyable when you’re with a partner or with friends. I’m talking about self improvement and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

You could spend your time alone watching TV and sitting in bed, if you choose to and you genuinely enjoy doing that on your own. But I’ve found that when it comes to improving relationships, if a person spends their alone time improving themselves in different areas then they will become a much more loveable and happy person in their relationship.

Ways to improve yourself are endless. If you are studying for anything, then study it and learn all you can about that topic. If you aren’t currently studying for anything then find something you’ve always been interested in and study it.
    If you have a hobby that you love, or that you used to love then bring it back into your life and spend time doing it. Improve the skills you already have or learn new skills. Improving yourself and growing as a person improves every area of your life. My Book “Important Lessons for True Happiness: Live Your Life” gives you activities to do every week to reach your goals and become the person you want to be. You can find it here:

    4. Don’t have arguments over text message – this is so important in the modern world. So important in-fact that I have a whole chapter on texting do’s and don’ts that I am going to include in this book.

    5. Do be yourself – what I mean by this is do stay the way you are as a person. I believe everyone should have strong values and morals, and these can’t change just because you’ve entered a new relationship. If you don’t have any particular morals and values already, then I strongly suggest you take some time to yourself and work out what you find important in life.

Values are the things that you see as the most important to you. It varies in everyone. Some people value material possessions very highly whereas other people might not see them as being as important as other things. It doesn’t matter what your values are, it just matters that you know what they are. You need to have a passion, a drive to keep and get all things that align with your values in your life. If you value your family, you need to make sure you are close to them. If you value money, you need to make sure you’re working hard and getting the money that you want. When you’re passionate about your values you become passionate about getting the things that you want out of life. You get drive, you’ll work hard for things and not only will this improve your life but it will make you a much more attractive person to others and you your relationships will kick off to a great start.

One good way to define your values is to set some goals. There are hundreds of goal setting techniques out there that are all extremely intelligent so here are my top tips for setting goals that will help you develop a strong drive and maximise your chances of achieving them:


#1 Physically write your goals

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