The Dragon Healer of Tone (World of Tone)
began working in earnest.
    Every sunset she would remove more plants and cover the holes with sand. By the sun-rising before she was to return home, she was done.
    That afternoon when Terra was asleep, she returned to the cove and thanked Setilan and the Musica. They returned the basket to the spot they took it from. It was a bit used-looking but that couldn’t be helped.
    That sunset as Terra sat by his fire, Dawra came up next to him.
    “How is Fienna doing?”
    Without thinking, Terra said, “She’s fine.” Then realizing what he said he added, “I guess.”
    “I know you have been in communication with her. I don’t understand how, but I know you do.”
    “How long have you known.”
    “For a long time. That’s why I haven’t been worried. I knew you would tell me if she were in danger.”
    The next morning Fienna returned and immediately grabbed Terra and hugged him close.
    “Alright Fienna, your hugging the breath out of me.”
    “Oh, I’m sorry, and she sat him down.”
    Terra sat and leaned against her great body as she started to tell what she had done over her time alone.

Chapter 28 - Seeing His Kind for the First Time
    (Learning of Your Heritage is often a Hard Lesson.)
    347 set of seasons since the coming of the Averons
    Terra was increasingly becoming curious about his kind. He had heard the stories from Lowlack but had never actually seen another human since he had come to the world of the dragons. Fienna felt this desire in Terra and feared it. She thought that if he went to see his kind he would stay with them. Terra never asked Fienna to take him because he didn’t want to hurt her. He knew he would never be able to leave her, but he did want to see what other humans looked like. Lowlack increasingly thought that Terra should see his kind. He felt that it would help him understand himself and his body. Lowlack had noticed that Terra was a little different. He was bigger and stronger, and his body much more powerfully built. Lowlack just assumed Terra came from larger humans who lived elsewhere.
    Lowlack knew of Fienna’s feeling but finally broached the subject while Terra was sleeping one sunset. Fienna was watching the moonrise as Lowlack walked up to her.
    “Fienna, can I talk to you?”
    “Of course, Lowlack.”
    “It’s about Terra. I think it would be good if he could see his kind.
    We live with other dragons, and you know our world. Terra has never even seen another human. I think he really should.”
    “I’m afraid he’ll stay with them if he sees them.”
    “I don’t think Terra could ever leave you. But you can’t make that choice for him. You must give him a chance.”
    “I don’t know.”
    “I will not make you. It is your decision, but think of Terra.”
    That sunset Fienna couldn’t sleep. She thought about what Lowlack said. Finally after hours of searching for the right answer, she decided that she should talk to Terra about it. Tomorrow she would fly them to the cove and talk to him.
    In the morning, they flew to the cove and settled in the sand.
    “Terra would you like to go see your kind?” Fienna said in the most controlled voice she could muster.
    “I would like to. I have never seen another like myself. I would like to know what they look like. What they do. Things like that.”
    “Lowlack and I will take you. But, I,” Fienna stopped and turned her huge head away from Terra.
    Terra could feel her emotions of fear of losing him and her love.
    Terra reached up and touched her great forearm and thought to her.
    “Fienna, nothing will ever separate us. I could not live without you. For a long time now, I’ve known I could not live without you. You are part of me. You’re present in all my thinking and feelings. Don’t worry; we will always be together.”
    Fienna calmed down and realized that Terra was right that she felt the same way. She gently curled her great tail around his small body and snuggled close to him. Their bond was life long

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