The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea

The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh Page A

Book: The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Axie Oh
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“just as you blame the gods for the follies of humans.”
    â€œBut it’s supposed to be a circle, isn’t it? Th e gods protect the humans, and the humans pray to and honor the gods.”
    â€œ Th at’s just like a human to think the world revolves around you, to think the rivers are for you, the sky, the sea is for you. You are just one of many parts of the world, and in my opinion, the one that blights them all.”
    Namgi’s eyes dart between us. A few yards away, Kirin watches from his boat, drawn by our raised voices.
    Slowly I look up, holding Shin’s gaze. “So you do protect the gods,” I say. “From humans.”
    Th e rest of the boat ride is spent in silence, both of us leaning away from the other on the small bench. Th e canal flows into a larger body of water, and we leave the luminous buildings of the city behind us, traveling into darkness. Ahead, a bright light flares up in Kirin’s boat. Namgi follows suit, firing a torch that he hands to Shin.
    Soon, I can’t see anything beyond the light of the torches. Th e darkness thickens. When I grip the edge of the boat, I find the wood dewed with mist. Th en suddenly, I feel a great presence all around me, as if the air is weighted. Out of the darkness looms something huge, monstrous, as large as the dragon. Hundreds, thousands of them. I grip my knife and glance at Shin and Namgi, yet neither of them appears concerned. Th en I look closer. Th e great objects are …
    Â â€¦ trees.
    Th ey loom out of the water, seeming to rise up endlessly into the sky. Th e boat drifts too close to one, and Namgi kicks off the trunk, diverting our movement.
    Th ere’s a subtle vibration in the air, as if the trees are humming. We arrive at the edge of a great forest, much larger thanthe one within Lotus House, deeper and darker. Th e boat slows, skimming over pebbles. Before it comes to a stop, Shin’s already up, vaulting over the side.
    â€œ Th e mistress of Fox House lives here ?” I ask, staring into the dark forest. I can’t make out a path through the dense thicket of trees. It’s as if no one has lived here for a thousand years. No human, at least.
    â€œYes,” Namgi says. He offers a hand to help me disembark. “A suitable habitat for a fox demon, don’t you think?”
    I land in the shallow water and soak the hem of my skirt. Shin has joined with Kirin and the priestesses, and together they enter the forest. “You implied that it wouldn’t be wise to bring me to Fox House because their leader might … eat me.” I shudder. “But in my grandmother’s stories, fox demons are evil spirits that prey solely upon men.”
    â€œ Th is fox demon isn’t so particular. Shall we?” Namgi grabs the torch from the boat, gesturing for me to follow.
    As we approach the forest, it’s as if the sounds around us pick up in volume, the reedy murmur of the insects, the humming of the trees. Th en we step into the forest, and the sounds stop. I pause on the threshold, unable to go farther. My stomach sinks, that familiar fear taking hold. Namgi seems to share none of my misgivings. Already the light of his torch has grown smaller with distance. I rush ahead, almost crashing into him where he’s stopped to investigate some disturbance in the forest.
    â€œWhat—what’s wrong?” I cry. “Why did you stop?”
    He glances at me with a frown. “Looks like something big came through here.” He points to the trail, where a great branch has fallen onto the path and broken in two. Beside the branch is an impression in the ground, a large animal print. “I haven’t been in this forest for a long time. Th ey say the beasts, left undisturbed, can grow to enormous sizes. Tigers and snakes. Wolves and bears.” Namgi raises the torch, squinting at my face. “Are you all right? You look pale.”

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