notes that one Muslim scholar says that the spell lasted for an entire year. This episode of Muhammad’s life is well documented in Islam’s sacred traditions:
Narrated Aisha [one of Muhammad’s wives]: Magic was worked on Allah’s Apostle so that he used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives while he actually had not. 8
This absolutely bizarre portion of Muhammad’s life should give pause to anyone who might consider Muhammad a genuine prophet of God—never mind the greatest of all prophets, as Muslims claim. One can only conclude that in order to have fallen into such a delusional state, Muhammad was indeed either demon possessed or significantly ill or both. In light of the occultic occurrences that defined Muhammad’s initial “revelatory” experiences, the conclusion is not hard to arrive at for anyone with any genuine spiritual discernment. Of course the contrast here is stark when we look at the life of Jesus, who,rather than being given over to any form of demonic influence, instead freed numerous people from such oppression.
In the final assessment, we see that Muhammad’s revelations—the seeds out of which Islam sprouted—began amidst a violent and dark encounter with some form of spiritual being in the Cave of Hira. We have also seen that Muhammad’s life contained periods of either significant delusion or blatant spiritual oppression. Note this dimension of Muhammad’s life as we develop the greater theme of this book. Also, when attempting to discern the primary spiritual source of Islam, it is essential to see not only the dark nature of the initial seed but even more so its ultimate vision of the future—its fully mature fruit—as the demonic and anti-biblical revelations that began in the Cave of Hira find their culmination with the killing of every Jew, Christian, and other non-Muslim in the world.
W hile we have already discussed the actual person of the Antichrist, the Bible also talks of an antichrist spirit . Apart from the one direct reference in the Bible to the Antichrist, there are four other times that the Apostle John uses the word in a more general sense. Each time it is in reference to a particular spirit. This spirit is defined by its denial of some very specific aspects of Jesus’ nature and His relationship to God the Father. Following are the verses that describe this “antichrist” spirit:
But every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. (1 John 4:3)
Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist—he denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. (1 John 2:22–23)
Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. (2 John 1:7)
From these verses, we learn that the antichrist is a spirit that is identified as a “liar” and a “deceiver” who specifically denies the following:
1. That Jesus is the Christ/Messiah (the savior/deliverer of Israel and the world).
2. The Father and the Son (the Trinity or that Jesus is the Son of God).
3. That Jesus has come in the flesh (the incarnation—that God became man).
The religion of Islam, more than any other religion, philosophy, or belief system, fulfills the description of the antichrist spirit. The religion of Islam makes one of its highest priorities the denial of all three of the points regarding Jesus and His relationship to the Father. In fact, we can fairly claim that Islam is a direct polemical response against those essential Christian doctrines. Regarding the previous points, however, Muslims will be quick to argue that Islam teaches that Jesus is indeed the
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