THE KISS OF A SEAL by Anne Elizabeth Page B

Book: THE KISS OF A SEAL by Anne Elizabeth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Elizabeth
Tags: Romance, Military, SEALs
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implied there.
    She didn’t want to tackle that subject, not now. There were things she had to deal with first. She decided to change the topic and allowed her hands to wander. She always wanted him, as his hands found her she needed him again. Was this desire ever going to mellow-out? She hoped not. Lincoln was like no man she’d ever known.
    “Keep moving those hands that way and we’re done talking.”
    “This place has sound-proofing.” She said, teasing his sensitive parts.
    He tickled her roughly and she squealed. His teeth tugged gently at the necklace holding a tiny gold circle—a college graduation gift from her older brother—and the flesh raised with goose bumps even as her body leaned in his for more. “I think we should christen a few other places. There are no secrets here, nothing worth getting flustered about by Command. Now, if we have sex in CO’s office, I can see that being a problem.”
    “Lincoln!” His mouth covered hers. Any further protestations died in her throat. She wasn’t ready to be that bold. Or, was she?
    When he released the tortured flesh of her lips, his tongue bathed it tenderly before moving back to her breasts where his mouth fastened on her nipple. The sensitive nub sent electricity zipping throughout her body as she threw back her head in pure heavenly bliss.
    She could do this forever, be in his arms and give her body into his tender care. Why hadn’t she met anyone like him before? Same background. Same values. Same dedication to passion. Her life with him had never been better.
    Her back arched and her body was on the cusp of releasing as his fingers cupped her between her thighs and his thumb gently undid every last little bit of control she had over her senses.
    She didn’t want to let go. She had to hold on…to this moment…and the unending pleasure. But, the sensations were too big and encompassing and with a roaring release she came. Wave after wave of pleasure so white-hot consuming that the satisfaction was almost painful.
    He cried out, burying his head next to her hair. “You’ve changed my world, Jessa. I don’t recognize it anymore without you in it.”
    The words tantalized her senses.
    She could feel his smile against her skin. His mouth was still toying with her flesh as his hands moved lower down her flesh. She didn’t know if she had anything left in her, but a part of her was willing to try. It reminded her of a childhood dare, if someone asked you to jump off a cliff would you? If Link were holding her, she just might take the dare. She trusted him with her heart and her body, knowing he would protect her and keep her safe.
    “Am I doing it right, Trainer Grainger?” he asked mockingly.
    Her laugh was low and throaty. “Perhaps a little lower next time with more attention to detail.” She delighted in teasing him, even when her body was mostly spent. She knew she could find it in herself to rally if he inspired her to do so. But, could he?
    “Aye, aye, Ma’am,” he said as he shifted his position. His thumb found a rather unique spot, the A spot.
    She could have swooned right then and there at his intimate touch.
    A noise outside alerted her.
    Jessa batted away his hand.
    Her green eyes cut to the entrance of the building. Everything looked clear.
    Being a Nutritionist and Strength Trainer for Spec Ops was a dream position; made even more prestigious by its location in Coronado, CA on the Amphibious in the heart of frog-ville. Sure there were other places that were prime SEAL Team spots, but this place had warm sand, decent surf, balmy temperatures, and a dedication to physical fittest—her favorite. Most people would consider being single here was like working in a candy store, but she wasn’t like that. None of these men held allure for her; none except for Lincoln. And, she had been looking long and hard at him, their relationship, and the entire situation.
    “Do you really want me to stop?” he asked as his hands cupped her hips

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