The Lad of the Gad

The Lad of the Gad by Alan Garner Page A

Book: The Lad of the Gad by Alan Garner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alan Garner
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her front to the face of the tempest, however long he might be away.
    Upright John went, travelling the waste, but he could not see the falcon. He was by himself, and the night came blind and dark, and he crouched at the root of a briar.
    A Foxy Lad appeared to him and said, “You are sad, Upright John. Bad is the night on which you have come. I myself have only a trotter and a sheep’s cheek, but they must do.”
    They blew a fire heap, and they roasted flesh and ate the trotter and the sheep’s cheek. And the next morning the Foxy Lad said to the king’s son, “The Blue Falcon is with the Giant of the Five Heads, the Five Humps and the Five Throttles, and I shall show you where he lives.
    â€œAnd my advice to you,” said the Foxy Lad, “is for you to be his servant, nimble to do all that he asks of you, and each thing he entrusts to you, with exceeding care. Be very good to his birds, and he will let you feed the Blue Falcon. And when the giant is not at home, run away with her: but see that no part of her touches any one thing that is the giant’s, or your matter will not go well with you.”
    â€œI shall do all these things,” said Upright John.
    He went to the giant’s house. He struck at thedoor.
    â€œWho is there?” said the giant.
    â€œOne coming to see if you need a lad,” said John.
    â€œWhat can you do?” said the giant.
    â€œI feed birds,” said john, “and swine; milk a cow, a goat or a sheep.”
    â€œI want someone like you,” said the giant.
    The giant came out and he settled wages with John, and John was nimble and took exceeding care of everything the giant had.
    â€œMy lad is so good,” said the giant, “that I begin to think he may be trusted to feed the Blue Falcon.”
    So the giant gave the Blue Falcon to Upright John for him to feed her, and he took exceeding care of the falcon. And when the giant saw how well he was caring for her, he thought he would trust him altogether, so he gave the falcon to John for him to keep her, and John took exceeding care of the falcon.
    The giant thought that each thing was going right, and he went from the house one day.
    Then Upright John said, “It is time to go,” and he took the falcon. But when he opened the door and the falcon saw sunlight, she spread her wings to fly, and the point of one of the feathers on one of her wings touched one of the posts of the door, and the post let loose a screech.
    The Giant of the Five Heads, the Five Humps and the Five Throttles came home running, and caught Upright John and took the falcon from him.
    â€œI would not give you my Blue Falcon,” said the giant, “unless you could get for me the White Sword of Light that the Seven Big Women of Jura keep.”
    And the giant sent Upright John away.
    John went out again, travelling the waste, and the Foxy Lad met with him, and he said, “You are sad, Upright John. You did not, and you will not, as I told you. Bad is the night on which you have come. I have only a trotter and a sheep’s cheek, but they must do.”
    They blew a fire heap, and they roasted flesh and ate the trotter and the sheep’s cheek. And the next morning the Foxy Lad said to the king’s son, “I shall grow into a ship and take you over the sea to Jura.
    â€œAnd my advice to you,” said the Foxy Lad, “is that you say to the Big Women that you will be their polishing-lad, and that you are good at brightening iron and steel, gold and silver, at burnishing and at making all things gleam. Be nimble. Do every job with exceeding care. Then, when they trust you with the White Sword of Light, run away with it: but see that the sheath touches no part that is of the inside of where the Big Women live, or your matter will not go well with you.”
    â€œI shall do all those things,” said Upright John.
    The Foxy Lad grew into a ship, and they sailed across and came to shore

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