Biography & Autobiography,
Great Britain,
Biography And Autobiography,
Historical - British,
Queen; consort of Henry VIII; King of England;,
Anne Boleyn;,
Henry VIII; 1509-1547,
Great Britain - History
the British Museum
Thomas Cromwell, “Master Secretary,” School of Hans Holbein the Younger, c. 1533, Indianapolis Museum of Art, The Clowes Fund Collection
Sir William FitzWilliam, painting by Hans Holbein the Younger, c. 1536–40, The Royal Collection © 2009 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Elizabeth Browne, Countess of Worcester, Tomb effigy, St. Mary’s Church, Chepstow, photograph © Archie Miles/Collections Picture Library
Anne Boleyn, English School, c. 1580-1600, by kind permission of Ripon Cathedral Chapter
The Indictment against Anne Boleyn and Lord Rochford, The National Archives, Kew BK 8/9
Greenwich Palace, where Anne Boleyn was arrested, detail from “The Panorama of London” by Anthonis van den Wyngaerde, 1558, © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford/The Bridgeman Art Library
Anne Boleyn says a final farewell to her daughter, the Princess Elizabeth, painting by Gustaf Wappers, 1838, Collection SHUNCK*, Heerlen, The Netherlands. Photograph Klaus Tummers, Heerlen
The Tower of London, painting by Michael van Meer,
Album Amicorum
, 1615, Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections, ms.La.III.283, fol.346v
Anne Boleyn at the Queen’s Stairs, painting by Edward Matthew Ward, 1871, Sunderland Museum and Winter Garden, Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums
Anne Boleyn in the Tower, detail, Edward Cibot, 1835, Museé Rolin, Autun, France/Bridgeman Art Library
Anne Boleyn, Lady Shelton, stained glass, St. Mary’s Church, Shelton, Norfolk, photograph by kind permission of Simon Knott www.suffolkchurches.co.uk
Sir Thomas Wyatt, painting by Hans Holbein the Younger, c. 1535, The Royal Collection © 2009 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
“To the King from the Lady in the Tower”: a disputed letter © British Library Board, Cotton Otho MS. C.X. f.232r
Westminster Hall, where four of Anne Boleyn’s co-accused were tried onMay 12 1536. Parliamentary copyright image reproduced with the permission of Parliament, photograph by Deryc Sands
Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, painting by Francis Lindo, eighteenth century, collection of the Duke of Northumberland, photograph by Geremy Butler
Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, painting by Gerlach Flicke, 1546, National Portrait Gallery, London/The Bridgeman Art Library
Sir Francis Weston and his wife, Anne Pickering, carved heads from marriage chest, c. 1530, used by kind permission of Saffron Walden Museum, Essex, photographs © Saffron Walden Museum
“Weston Esq. of Sutton Surrey,” artist unknown, sixteenth century, the collection at Parham House, West Sussex
Anne Boleyn driven mad: a later, melodramatic image, painting by Alessandro Guardassoni, 1843, Instituzione Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Collezioni Storiche, Bologna, photograph by Mario Berardi
Carving from the Martin Tower, photograph © Mary Evans Picture Library
Anne Boleyn’s falcon badge, without its crown and sceptre, in the Beauchamp Tower, photograph © Historic Royal Palaces
The site of the Queen’s Lodgings in the Tower of London, photograph by Tracy Borman
Gold and enamel pendant, made c. 1520, Victoria & Albert Museum, photograph, anonymous loan/V&A Images
The site of the scaffold on which Anne Boleyn was executed, photograph by Tracy Borman
The execution of Anne Boleyn, illustration from John Foxe’s Acts and Monuments, seventeenth century
The Royal Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, photograph by Tracy Borman
Inside St Peter ad Vincula, photograph © Historic Royal Palaces
Memorial plaque said to mark the last resting place of Anne Boleyn, photograph © Historic Royal Palaces
Carved initials of Henry VIII and Anne Bolyen, Hampton Court Palace, photograph © Angelo Hornak Albany
Queen Elizabeth I’s ring of
, used by kind permission of The Trustees of the Chequers Estate/Mark Fiennes/The Bridgeman Art Library
The Tudors
The Boleyns
Fitz William Connections
Cheryl Douglas
Dar Tomlinson
A.M. Hargrove
Linda Lee Chaikin
Terri Farley
Peter Abrahams
Peter Matthiessen
Gina Wilkins
Jack Kerouac
Steve Alten