The Last Noel

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Book: The Last Noel by Heather Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Graham
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realized. The others had been upstairs for what felt like a long time.
    Maybe Craig had picked up on the same thing, because he suddenly said, “Quintin, you want me to go see what’s going on?”
    Quintin flashed him an impatient glance. “No.”
    â€œWhat the hell do you think I’m going to do? I’m half-dead and I don’t have a weapon. I’ll just go up and see if Scooter needs help.”
    â€œGo to the foot of the stairs,” Quintin said, “and just yell for him.”
    Craig nodded and got up. “Yeah, sure. Hey, Scooter!” he yelled when he’d reached the stairway. “What’s going on?”
    â€œHe’s being a jerk!” Jamie shouted from above.
    David felt his stomach lurch. Please, Jamie, for the love of God, watch your mouth. We’re playing a dangerous game.
    â€œHey!” Scooter objected angrily.
    Craig glanced at Quintin, frowning.
    Jamie appeared on the landing. “He thinks I can make the smoke detector beep again,” he called down.
    A beep? David thought. They’d heard a beep? It had to be Kat’s phone. He didn’t know whether to feel hopeful or even more terrified.
    â€œHey, Scooter, get back down here,” Craig called.
    He was gripping the banister to stay upright, David realized. He didn’t look well, but he was basically fit, and he was still on his feet, despite being hurt and then left out in the car.
    Scooter had defended Craig, David mused. And Quintin didn’t trust him. He filed that information away for later.
    Scooter appeared at the top of the stairway, the boys in front of him, and looked down. “Do smoke detectors beep?” he asked Quintin.
    â€œOf course they beep,” David answered. He hoped he had just the right note of impatience in his tone.
    â€œDo they?” Quintin asked him.
    David frowned, hoping he was a decent actor. His pulse was pounding, and he realized that Quintin might not have to kill him, because he felt ready to have a heart attack all on his own. “A smoke detector beeps when you need to replace the battery,” he said.
    â€œThen why isn’t it still beeping?” Scooter asked loudly.
    â€œBecause the battery beeps slowly at first, to warn you,” David answered.
    â€œDid you look around up there?” Quintin demanded.
    â€œOf course,” Scooter said.
    â€œI didn’t find anything.”
    â€œThen get back down here.”
    â€œAll right. One more minute.”
    David swallowed hard. Was Kat about to be discovered? And that beep…
    Had her phone worked?
    Knowing he had to do something, David got up and started to walk toward the stairs.
    â€œWhere the hell are you going?” Quintin demanded.
    Quintin shook his head. “You stay right here.”
    â€œLook, I know what the problem is. I can show Scooter, so you two don’t have to be worried about anything going on.”
    â€œI’ll go,” Craig said.
    â€œWhat? Are all you people deaf or just stupid? I said you stay here,” Quintin snapped.
    David forced himself to sit back down calmly, then looked over at Skyler. She looked scared, her eyes too wide as they met his. He hoped Quintin wouldn’t notice and realize something was going on.
    She must have realized the danger, too, because she looked away and trailed her fingers over the piano keys. “Come on, guys, hurry up,” she called. “It’s time for Irish music.”
    â€œOh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling…” Uncle Paddy began.
    Scooter was prowling around the room again. Kat could hear him from her hiding place in the closet.
    â€œPlease, come on,” Jamie begged, real fear in his voice. “Didn’t you hear him? Your friend is starting to sound dangerous.”
    â€œStarting?” Scooter said distractedly. “He always sounds dangerous. He is dangerous.”

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