a week.”
“Okay.” Frustrated and totally baffled, Cass ended the call.
Her cell rang again almost immediately. She recognized the number. Griff.
“Hi,” he said. “I’ve been missing you. Tired?”
“Absolutely pooped. If I had a tub, I’d sit here and soak my feet.”
“I have a tub,” he said. “And a big swimming pool.”
“You know, a swim right now would be fantastic.”
“Come on over.”
“I can’t stay long.”
She could practically hear that sexy smile of his over the phone. “I’ll take what I can get. Your bathing suit is ready and waiting for you.”
T HE NIGHT WAS COOL , the water was warm and Griff’s kiss was hot.
“Don’t get that started,” Cass said, pulling away. “I need to get home early.”
“I can come home with you.”
“I don’t think so. My mother’s had enough shocks for one day.”
“And what was so shocking to her today?” he asked as he lazily sidestroked beside her.
“Belle dropped by.”
“Exactly. Sunny and I had to spill the whole thing about meeting the Outlaws.”
“Did she explode?”
“No. Strangely enough, after she had time to digest the idea, she took it rather well. I think she was relieved her worst fears hadn’t come to pass, that our father’s family wasn’t horrified to learn of our existence. Still, she’s been subdued today.”
“At least you don’t have the worry hanging over your head.” He captured her in his arms again, kissed her again and they sank beneath the water.
She came up sputtering and laughing and splashing him. “Are you trying to drown me? It won’t work, you know. Atleast half the people on this side of the hotel are watching your moves.”
“Then come upstairs with me. We’ll order a bottle of wine, and I’ll massage your feet.”
She flipped on her back and floated. “You’d really massage my feet?”
“Of course. You have lovely feet.” He stroked her arch and flexed her foot. “I’ll even nibble your toes—and anywhere else you name.”
His suggestive tone sent shivers over her, and she felt her resolve to leave early quickly fading away. She wasn’t nearly as tired as she’d been earlier.
B EFORE THEY GOT TO THE foot massage, Cass and Griff showered, and the shower took much longer and was more intimate than she’d intended. After they’d changed into shorts, Griff took a towel and led her to the sofa.
“Lie down,” he said.
She cocked an eyebrow. “What did you have in mind?”
“I promised you a foot massage.”
“Yes you did. I thought it had slipped your mind. What are you going to use?”
“My hands. I’m very good with my hands.”
Cass chuckled. “I’ll grant you that, but I meant do you have lotion or oil?”
Griff looked pained. “I’ll run down to the gift shop and get something.”
“No need,” Cass said. “There should be some lotion in one of those little bottles in the bathroom.”
“Right. Be right back.”
He was back with a handful of bottles before she got settled. He spread the towel over his thighs, then patted it. “Putyour feet up here.” After he unscrewed a bottle cap, he sniffed the contents. “This ought to do it.”
He picked up her left foot, kissed her big toe, then poured about half the contents on the top of her foot and began to massage.
Griff had been right. He did have wonderful hands. Still, something didn’t seem quite right. Cass lifted her head and looked at her foot. Despite his enthusiastic rubbing, the lotion hadn’t dispersed at all. True, he’d used quite a bit, but none of it was being absorbed into her skin.
“What did you put on my foot?”
He grinned. “Good-smelling stuff. Like it?”
“Griff, my foot is beginning to lather.”
He frowned, then picked up the small bottle he’d used and squinted at the writing on it. Handing it to her, he said, “What does that say?”
She read it and started laughing. “Didn’t you read it?”
“I don’t have my contacts
Amy Belding Brown
Kate Aster
Eric Ambler
Barbara Hannay
Tiffany Wood
Bertrice Small
Michelle St. James
Sasha Gold
Bennett Madison
Robert Charles Wilson