The New Husband

The New Husband by D.J. Palmer Page B

Book: The New Husband by D.J. Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.J. Palmer
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as the trip to Niagara Falls that was now not happening. The same day! What are the odds? I thought.
    So now I should go and tell my mom, right? I should let her know that it made no sense to me that Simon would book a trip to Niagara Falls, during the school week of all times, on a date that conflicted with his big field trip to Strawbery Banke. This Niagara Falls trip of his had to be a lie, but for what? I stayed tight-lipped about it, because I knew what my mother would say.
    I knew without a doubt that she’d take his word over mine.

    Nina knew sleep would not come easily. It wasn’t because of Maggie’s refusal to make any accommodations for Simon, to give him a single benefit of the doubt. No, her big worry was still a little over a week away, when, for the first time in over fifteen years, she would set foot in an office building as a paid employee. She was in the middle of a mini fashion show for Simon, who lounged on the bed, hands clasped behind his head, pajama bottoms on and shirt off, giving Nina a clear view of his toned chest and the outline of well-formed abdominal muscles.
    She’d acclimated to the round shape of his face, which would look boyish without the stubble, the plastic glasses he used to read, the khakis he wore to work, even how he was so particular about the way he folded his shirts. Maybe it was still that honeymoon phase, but Simon seemed to have none of Glen’s shortcomings. He made a big deal of birthdays and listened to her without distractedly looking at his phone. He touched her often, lovingly—a gentle squeeze of her hand as he’d pass her in the kitchen, a brush against her shoulder as he served her dinner, and later in bed would offer massages without expecting favors in return. Perhaps the most notable distinction was how Simon enjoyed his work without letting it consume him.
    On several occasions Simon compared his and Nina’s relationship to the founding of America—one of his favorite topics to teach—citinghow they, too, had unified under stressful circumstances, building something better together.
    Yes, she told herself. We can forge a more perfect union .
    The clothes Nina tried on (and there were a half-dozen mix-and-match outfits in her wardrobe) were recent purchases, all gifts from Simon. The outfits were professional, but not too buttoned-up—earthy colors mostly, cotton fabrics, no patterns. She was going for comfort and the pulled-together, approachable look of someone a person could confide in, as her clients would be expected to do.
    She was showing Simon the pleated cream-colored boat-neck top and ankle-length slim-leg black pants she was thinking of wearing to her first day on the job.
    Simon appraised Nina with hungry eyes.
    â€œYou look amazing,” he said, as she finished her spin.
    He lunged at her from across the bed, grabbed her waist, and pulled her to the mattress, where he kissed the spots that got her blood pressure rising. Nina slid out from under him, worried about wrinkling the outfit, still not sold on it as the right choice for her grand appearance.
    â€œI’m so nervous,” she said.
    â€œYou’ll be marvelous,” Simon assured her. “Trust me.”
    Nina flopped back on the bed and kissed him hard on the mouth. “You weren’t always so happy about it,” she said.
    â€œIt’s hard for me to share you,” Simon said, his hand rubbing the small of her back, teasing out jolts of pleasure that raced down Nina’s legs and up her arms. She nestled into his embrace.
    â€œI’m sorry this hasn’t gone smoother with Maggie,” she said, switching to that subject because it was never far from her thoughts.
    â€œDon’t you worry,” said Simon. “It’s a process. It’s all going to be worth it in the end.”
    â€œI hope you’re right.”
    Nina breathed out her worry while burying her mouth in Simon’sneck,

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