“Archaic Torso of Apollo” (Rilke)
Armstrong, Louis
Astaire, Fred
Autumn Sonata (Bergman)
Balaban, Bob
Baldwin, Alec
Barrault, Marie-Christine
Barrymore, Drew
Barth, John
Baumbach, Jonathan
Baxter, John
Beattie, Ann
Bellow, Saul
Benjamin, Richard
Benny, Jack
Berger, Anna
Bergman, Ingmar
Bergmann, Martin
Berkow, Ira
Berle, Milton
Bernstein, Mashey
Betdeheim, Bruno
Bicycle Thief, The (De Sica)
Big Sleep, The
Bjorkman, Stig
Blake, Richard A.
Bloom, Claire
Bogart, Humphrey, passim
Bonham Carter, Helena
Borowitz, Eugene
Bourne, Mel
Branagh, Kenneth
Brecht, Berthold
Brickman, Marshall
Brode, Douglas ( The Films of Woody Allen )
Brooks, Albert
Brooks, Mel
Brown, Georgia
Bunuel, Luis
Burr, Raymond, 206
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Byrne, Anne
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (Murnau)
Caine, Michael
Canby, Vincent
Carmichael, Hoagy
Carnegie Deli comedians
Carroll, Tim ( Woody and His Women )
Carver, Raymond
Casablanca (Michael Curtiz), passim
Cassavettes, John
Cavett, Dick
Chapin, Kay
Chaplin, Charlie
Charles, Nick and Nora
“Cheek to Cheek,”
Chekhov, Anton
cinema verite
Citizen Kane (Welles)
City Lights (Chaplin)
Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud)
Cohen, Lynn
Cohen, Sarah Blacher
Combs, Richard
Conroy, Frances
Coover, Robert
Coppola, Francis Ford
Counterlife, The (Roth)
Cowie, Peter
Croft, Steve
Crystal, Billy
Culture of Narcissism, The (Christopher Lasch)
Curry, Renee R.
Curtiz, Michael
Cusack, John
Daniele, Graciela
Daniels, Jeff
Danner, Blythe
Davis, Judy
Dead Father, The (Barthelme)
DeCurtis, Anthony, Denby, David
Dennis, Sandy
De Sica, Vittorio
Dewhurst, Colleen
DiCaprio, Leonardo
Dick Cavett Show, The
Didion, Joan
Di Palma, Carlo
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Double Indemnity
Dowd, Maureen
Dreiser, Theodore
Dresner, Samuel H.
Duck Soup (Marx Brothers)
Dukakis, Olympia
Duncan, Ben
Duvall, Shelley
Easter Parade, The (Yates)
Ebert, Roger
Edelstein, David
8½ (Fellini)
Eliot, T.S.
Elkin, Stanley
“Enjoy Yourself (Its later Than You Think),”
Ephron, Nora
Erler, Mary
“Everyone Says I Love You” (Kalmar/Ruby)
Exley, Frederick
Fall of Public Man, The (Richard Sennett)
Fanny and Alexander (Fellini)
Fan's Notes, A (Exley)
Farrow, Dylan
Farrow, Mia
Farrow, Moses
Farrow, Steffi
Fatal Attraction
Fei, Zhao
Fellini, Federico
Ferland, Danielle
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Forte, Nick Apollo
Foster, Jodie
Fox, Julian ( Woody: Movies from Manhattan )
Freadman, Richard
Freud, Sigmund
Friedman, Bruce Jay
Front, The
Gado, Frank
Gayle, Jackie
Geist, William E.
Gelmis, Joseph
German Expressionist film style
Gershwin, George
Girgus, Sam B. ( The Films of Woody Allen )
Glass Menagerie, The (Williams)
Gleason, Joanne
Gleick, Elizabeth
Godard, Jean-Luc
Goodman, Hazelie
Gopnik, Adam
Gould, Eliot
Grand Illusion (Godard)
Great Gatsby The (Fitzgerald)
Green, Daniel
Green, Seth
Greenhut, Robert
Griffith, Kristin
Griffith, Melanie
Groteke, Kristi
Gunty, Morty
Guthrie, Lee ( Woody Allen: A Biography )
Haas, Lucas
Hackman, Gene
Hall, Diane (Diane Keaton)
Happy Go Lucky
Harland, Pamela
Harper, Jessica
Hawn, Goldie
Heine, Heinrich
Hemingway, Ernest
Hemingway, Mariel
Hentoff, Nat
Hershey, Barbara
Herzog (Bellow)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hoban, Phoebe
Hoberman, J.
Holiday, Billie
Holm, Ian
Holocaust, the
Hope, Bob
Horse Feathers
Hotel New Hampshire, The
Houseman, John
Howard, David S.
Howard, Ron
Howe, Irving
“Hunger Artist, The” (Kafka)
Hurt, Mary Beth
Huston, Angelica
Huston, John
Hutton, Betty
Hyman, Dick
“Ice Palace, The” (Fitzgerald)
“Idea of Order at Key West, The” (Stevens)
“If You Are But a Dream” (Sinatra)
“I Happen to Like New York” (Porter)
“I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles,”
“I’m in Love Again,”
“I’m Thru with Love,”
“Intimacy” (Carver)
Ionesco, Eugene
Irving, Amy
Irving, John
Isaacson, Walter
Its a Wonderful Life (Capra)
Jacobs, Diane
James, Nick
Janssen, Framke
Jewish/American humor
Jewish/American literature
Joffe, Charles
Johnson, Brian
Jolson, Al
Jordan, Richard
Jordan, Will
Juliet of the Spirits
Bella Andre, Melissa Foster
Rachel Roberts
Sofia Grey
Pat Connid
Caroline B. Cooney
JC Emery
Clare Cole
Todd Sprague
Emily Fox Gordon