The Revelation
thinner than one usually saw in women. Despite the fact that she acknowledged that she might not be the prettiest, however, Ivita had a heart of gold. She was one of the only moonkind that had taken as her duty to educate and welcome Yuna rather than trying to run her off.
                  It was she who had explained to Yuna the numerous differences between human children and pups. Ivita had also been more than happy to expound on the history of the ripened, to the point where Yuna found the woman a better source of information, even, than the huge library on the second floor.
    Thanks to her newfound companion, she'd realized exactly how difficult her acceptance into the Douglas clan had been.
                  The seemingly endless historical accounts of what had happened when moonkind and humans had interacted for the past centuries had been enough to make the young woman's stomach crawl. There had been slaughterings, death, and tragedy in profusion enough that immediately upon listening, Yuna had understood the Douglas clan's reluctance. Their kind were only just entering a new age, and though the young woman didn't believe any less that changes would eventually come about, comprehending the various conflicts in the history of Luther's kind brought new vision.
                  “What for?” she inquired, setting aside her book to give her companion her complete attention. Settling in next to her on the couch, Ivita leaned close to murmur lowly in her ear.
                  “I've just seen Liam leaving Elder Malcolm's quarters.
                  Yuna winced.
                  Viola and Liam hadn't spoken since the woman had revealed to her mate that she was with child. Though her husband's stubbornness infuriated and pained the crimson-haired female, she was more worried that Liam would go even further than merely abandoning her. If he told a single one of the Elders that she was carrying a human child, there would be little that even Luther could do to stop them from forcing her to give up the baby.
                  For the past weeks, Yuna had been watching her mate's younger brother like a hawk. When the Alpha wasn't looking, she sneaked behind the scarred man- at a safe distance, of course- praying that she wouldn't find that he'd betrayed his wife's secret.
                  So far, he'd been silent.
                  Though Yuna was fully aware that Liam was a stickler for the laws of his people, she was also pretty certain that the idea of doing away with his own child was something he didn't take lightly. The fact that there had been no evidence to show that he'd gone to anyone was enough to confirm her suspicions. In fact, Yuna sometimes found her heart aching for the younger Douglas son. Without Viola, he sometimes looked lost, and his temper went unchecked. Several times he'd been admonished for inciting small skirmishes with males of other clans.
                  His and Luther's shouting matches echoed through the halls of the manor, making both Yuna and Viola wince at their intensity.
                  As of yet, however, he didn't seem to be aware that his brother and Alpha had been coaching Viola through the basics of controlling herself in her transformed state. To Yuna's pleasure, she and Luther had discovered that the older woman could, in fact, stave off her transformation to some extent beneath the full moon; and that was promising. Keeping herself from tearing at human flesh while she was in animal form, however, was proving to be more difficult.
                  During the first ripening, Luther had chained his sister-in-law to the bedpost and brought Yuna in, leaving her just inside the door. There had been perhaps three meters of space between the two women, and Viola had strained and snapped at Yuna in a way that had made the young woman more than a little bit nervous. It

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