The Rule Book

The Rule Book by Rob Kitchin Page A

Book: The Rule Book by Rob Kitchin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob Kitchin
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photo you can use.’
    McEvoy nodded and turned to where Deegan stood. ‘Charlie, you’d better …’
    ‘… go and see what personnel have got,’ Deegan finished quickly, clearly frustrated that McEvoy was in charge of things. ‘I’m on it.’ He started to head briskly back towards the car park.
    ‘Right, well, I guess I’d better leave you to it,’ McEvoy said, unsure what to say. He took one last look at the body and started to trail after Deegan, Martin Cleary in tow.
    ‘This is a bad business, Colm,’ Cleary said. ‘A bad business.’
    ‘I know.’
    ‘And you need to watch that Deegan. He’s only interested in glory. He’ll be running his case, not yours. He’d dump you in the shit without hesitation if he thought he could fill your shoes.’
    ‘I know that as well.’
    ‘Just so long as you do, Colm. Just so long as you do. You’ve enough to be worrying about without watching your back. You need your people in here, not just his.’
    McEvoy nodded, but didn’t respond.
    From behind them Cheryl Deale shouted out. ‘Sir.’
    McEvoy looked over his shoulder. She was waving for him to come back.
    He set off, Cleary staying where he was, waiting to see if it was worth the effort of returning.
    Cheryl Deale held a small plastic bag using a pair tweezers. ‘It’s a second note,’ she explained. ‘It was placed in his mouth in what looks like a sandwich bag.’
    ‘Can you see what it says,’ McEvoy asked, moving towards her.
    She held the bag up level to her face. The bag had slightly unfolded but was still creased and there was condensation inside. ‘Not really,’ she said. ‘I need to flatten it out.’
    ‘Just pull the bag tight,’ McEvoy suggested.
    ‘The condensation might ruin the note.’
    ‘Can we take the note out and put it in a new bag?’ he sug-gested.
    ‘I guess.’ Cheryl nodded. ‘Brendan, I’m going to need two evidence bags – one for the note and one for the bag.’
    Brendan reached into a box and handed her a second pair of tweezers.
    Gently Cheryl pulled the note free and dropped it into a bag held by him. She then put the sandwich bag into another bag. She took back the bag with the note in, handing the tweezers to Brendan. She peered through the clear plastic and read aloud.
The Rules
Chapter Two A: Motive D
“Murderers know, to varying degrees, that they are constructing a world of their making, a world different to that of their fellow citizens. They are driven by an imperative to act on their deviant desires. Many hold some notion that they have the right to play out their fantasies, or envisage themselves on a mission for God or some other entity that conveys on them the right to torture and kill. Yet others believe that their victims deserved the terrible crimes done unto them.”
2a. Have no reason to kill beyond murder. The motive should be death itself. Nothing else.
2b. Do not let sex, money, religion or power cloud things. Pathology will be your downfall.
Master rule: Do it because you can, not because you have to.
    ‘That’s all it says,’ she finished.
    ‘All the same, sounds like he has it all worked out,’ Cleary said, having walked back to the group when it was clear McEvoy was not going to re-join him. ‘He understands the nature of motive; that the most difficult crime to solve is a motiveless one.’
    ‘Can you get a copy made as soon as possible,’ McEvoy instructed, ignoring Cleary. ‘Give one copy to Deegan, the other to Barney Plunkett. Tell Barney to see if he can locate the quote. Is it the same source as before or a new one? And if you find anything else let me know. I want to nail this bastard. And we are going to nail him.’ McEvoy sucked in a breath and pumped it back out through his nose.
    ‘I’ll do it straight away,’ Cheryl said. ‘Then we’re going to do a wider sweep and also process where he left the cards. We’re then
heading back to the lab. I’ll ring you the moment we get

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