The Tide Can't Wait

The Tide Can't Wait by Louis Trimble Page A

Book: The Tide Can't Wait by Louis Trimble Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louis Trimble
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was a genuine laugh, coming from deep inside. “No wonder you’ve been pecky! But you’re right to question me. Let me put it this way—I get my answers from the Chief. So does Stark. I sent him to see you. Satisfied?”
    â€œI’ll have to be unless you have some kind of identity card.”
    â€œWe don’t work that way,” Barr said. “If anything should happen to one of us, there’s no diplomatic sizzling.”
    â€œJust what is your job?” She was genuinely curious.
    He said with deep sincerity, “To try to help keep peace in the world.”
    â€œAnd Portia?”
    â€œAh,” he said, “that was my doing, telling Stark to have you be on the lookout for her. I think Portia is working only for Portia. But I never know.”
    â€œI don’t understand.”
    He said, “Portia knows Leon Roget. She’s known him for a number of years.” And the way he said it told Lenny a great deal. He took a second cigarette and lighted it, and she saw his expression as the lighter flame flared up. Then she understood even more. He spoke harshly. “You spent a good deal of time with Roget in London. Did you learn anything?”
    â€œYes. But I doubt if you’ll believe me.”
    â€œJust because I don’t trust you doesn’t mean I expect you to lie every time you open your mouth.”
    She was not angry. She knew she deserved what he had just said. Why should he trust her? Even so, she wanted him to.
    â€œI accepted this—this job because I had to. I resented having been followed and spied on. I still do, in a way, but I suppose it has taken me a while to understand the importance of everything—the work you’re doing. But it doesn’t matter—how I feel.”
    â€œYou’re trying to say that you understand enough to co-operate?”
    â€œPut it that way,” she said. “This morning I was thinking about it and—well, it’s sort of nice to be doing something to make up for what I did. I didn’t know about Leon then; I do now. I knew the first night in London.” “He told you?”
    She said quietly, “It wasn’t anything he said. It was the way he looked. It’s hard to explain. But three days ago I still thought I was in love with him. Then I wasn’t—it was just in the way he looked.”
    â€œI think I understand,” Barr said, so dryly that she winced. And she remembered him saying, “Portia knows Leon Roget.”
    She said quickly, wanting to have this explanation over with, “Leon knows about me, too. I don’t know how he found out, but he knows why I’m here.” She tried to tell him everything, all her reactions, what she had guessed from what Leon had not said.
    â€œBut,” Lenny finished, “he doesn’t know that I know he knows.” Despite the heavy tension within her, she almost laughed at the bewilderment on his face. “I mean, Leon isn’t aware that I know he’s realized why I’m here.”
    â€œThank you,” Barr said in a dry voice. “Let’s hope you’re right…. What about this Price character?”
    â€œTommy?” She told him about Tommy Price, how they had met, how good a friend he had always been. While she talked, she had the impression that Barr already knew this.
    â€œYou already know about Tommy,” she said accusingly.
    â€œWe know about everyone with whom you’ve had contact since you met Roget,” he said. “What I don’t know is—what did you tell Price about Leon?”
    â€œI told him I didn’t feel the same about Leon. I had to. He’s very perceptive and he guessed.”
    â€œDid you tell him anything else?”
    His insistence made her angry. “Of course not. But it wouldn’t matter if I had. Tommy’s my friend. He could help. He knows Leon.”
    Barr made a sound. “Rule one—keep your

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